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General Government

General Government

Online ISSN: 2811-6186
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

In the European System of Accounts 2010 (ESA 2010), general government is one of five mutually exclusive institutional sectors within the domestic economy. The five sectors are:

(a) non-financial corporations (S.11);
(b) financial corporations (S.12);
(c) general government (S.13);
(d) households (S.14);
(e) non-profit institutions serving households (S.15).

The general government sector is divided into four subsectors: central government (S.1311), state government (S.1312) (not applicable in Ireland), local government (S.1313) and social security funds (S.1314).

The Register of Public Sector Bodies in Ireland covers all general government (S.13) and all public corporations in the non-financial (S.11) and financial (S.12) sectors.

Figure 2.1 below illustrates the breakdown of the Domestic Institutional Sectors.

The next chapters outline a breakdown of Central government, Local government, Social Security Funds and Public Corporations.

A complete list of the Register is available on the Register of Public Sector Bodies 2023 - Provisional Table 1.1 (XLS 65KB) .

A CSV file is also available on the Register of Public Sector Bodies 2023 - Provisional Table 1.1 csv file.


Figure 2.1 Domestic Institutional Sectors

Domestic Institutional Sectors