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Central Government

Central Government

Online ISSN: 2811-6186
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

The central government sector (S.1311) includes all bodies established through political processes and for whose activities a Minister of government or other responsible person is accountable to the people through the Oireachtas. This responsibility extends to the presentation of detailed audited annual accounts to the Oireachtas. Central government includes legislative, judicial and executive bodies established in this manner. The sector does not include public corporations or enterprises engaged in the production of commercial services or goods. The main categories of central government bodies are:

  • Departments of State including any additional voted expenditure under the aegis of the Minister; 
  • Extra-Budgetary Funds for which separate accounts are maintained and which are directly administered by departments; and
  • Bodies which are not departments but which are funded almost entirely from the Exchequer. They are subject to controls and may be regarded as extensions of government departments.

See Background Notes for more information.

Figure 1.1 in the Public Sector chapter displays a breakdown of the Register by subsector.

A complete list of the Register is available on the Register of Public Sector Bodies 2023 - Final Table 1.1 (XLS 53KB) .

A CSV file is also available on the Register of Public Sector Bodies 2023 - Final Table 1.1 csv file .

Department of State, Vote Groups and Extra-Budgetary Funds

An annual survey of all central government departments is undertaken jointly by the CSO and the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform. This survey was issued to all central government departments in January 2024 to capture data for reference year 2023.

This survey updates the entity listings and information is set out in the tables below. It also obtains extra information required to establish the statistical classification of all bodies under the aegis of these government departments. 

Departments, Additional Votes, Extra-Budgetary Funds, Non-commercial Agencies and Commercial Agencies are shown in the following tables.

In total there are 645 bodies in central government. Figure 3.1 provides a breakdown per department of all Votes, Extra-Budgetary Funds, Non-commercial Agencies and Commercial Agencies under the aegis of all central government departments.

X-axis labelVoteExtra-Budgetary Funds Non-Commercial Agencies under the aegis of the Department Commercial Non-Financial Corporations under the aegis of the Department Commercial Financial Corporations under the aegis of the Department
Agriculture, Food and the Marine121220nil
Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth2nil7nilnil
Enterprise, Trade and Employment1nil111nil
Environment, Climate and Communications11111672
Foreign Affairs2nilnilnilnil
Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science11168nil
Housing, Local Government and Heritage32184nil
Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform15nil22nil
Rural and Community Development144nilnil
Social Protection113nilnil
Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media1nil228nil
Table 3.1 Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine

Table 3.2 Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth

Table 3.3 Department of Defence

Table 3.4 Department of Education

Table 3.5 Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment

Table 3.6 Department of Environment, Climate and Communications

Table 3.7 Department of Finance

Table 3.8 Department of Foreign Affairs

Table 3.9 Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science

Table 3.10 Department of Health

Table 3.11 Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage

Table 3.12 Department of Justice

Table 3.13 Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform

Table 3.14 Department of Rural and Community Development

Table 3.15 Department of Social Protection

Table 3.16 Department of the Taoiseach

Table 3.17 Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media

Table 3.18 Department of Transport

Organisations providing health and personal social services

Table 3.19 sets out organisations that provide health and personal services on behalf of government and are classified in the central government sector. The Department of Health provides the funding to the bodies in Table 3.19 with the exception of one, whose majority funding is from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. These organisations receive high level of funding from government with stringent conditions and the majority of their services are being provided for government.  See Background Notes for further information.

Table 3.19 Organisations providing health and personal social services