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Public Sector

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In Ireland, the general government sector (S13) is made up of central (S1311) and local government (S1313).  Non-financial (S11) and financial (S12) corporations may be further sub-divided into “private” and “public”.  Public corporations are those that are deemed to be controlled by government (S13). Please see figure below on the Public Sector for further details.

The general government sector (S13) is the set of all bodies which:

1. are directly or indirectly controlled by a government department or office, or by a local authority;

and which either,

2. lack autonomy of decision and the power to own assets/liabilities, and/or do not produce a full set of accounts (the ‘institutional unit’ test); or

3. are non-market producers (the ‘market/non-market’ test)

The next couple of chapters outline central and local government sectors and the Background notes outline the criteria and the statistical classification decision making process.

Public Sector

Next Chapter >> Central Government


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