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Local Government

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The local government sector (S1313) comprises all Local Authorities, Regional Assemblies and a number of Approved Housing Bodies.

The CSO conducts an annual joint survey with the Department of the Housing, Planning and Local Government of all local authorities. This survey confirms and revises existing listings and obtains further information as needed in order to establish the statistical classification of all bodies under the aegis of local authorities. The following table is the first time to publish the list of these entities. The statistical classification process is outlined in the Background notes

Local Authorities

Local authorities operate under the supervision of the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government. The local authority data is compiled from surveys relating to 2018. The local authorities comprise of 31 city and county councils.

Table 4.1 Table of Local Authorities

Table 4.2 Local Authority Non-Commercial Agencies

Table 4.3 Commercial Entities under the aegis of Local Authorities

Regional Assemblies

Regional Assemblies operate under local government. They promote the co-ordination of the provision of public services in their areas, manage new regional operational programmes in the Community Support Framework and monitor the general impact of all EU programmes of assistance under the CSF.

Table 4.4 Regional Assemblies

Approved Housing Bodies

Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs) operate under the supervision of the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government. At the end of 2019 there were 16 Approved Housing Bodies classified under local government. 

Table 4.5 Approved Housing Bodies

Next Chapter >> Background Notes


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