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Central Government

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The central government sector (S1311) includes all bodies established through political processes and for whose activities a Minister of government or other responsible person is accountable to the people through the Oireachtas (National Parliament). This responsibility extends to the presentation of detailed audited annual accounts to the Oireachtas. Central government includes legislative, judicial and executive bodies established in this manner. The sector does not include public corporations or enterprises engaged in the production of commercial services or goods. The main categories of central government bodies are:

  • Departments of State including any additional voted expenditure under the aegis of the Minister; 
  • Extra-Budgetary Funds for which separate accounts are maintained and which are directly administered by departments; and
  • Bodies which are not departments but which are funded almost entirely from the Exchequer, are subject to controls and may be regarded as extensions of government departments. 

Departments of State, Vote Groups and Extra-Budgetary Funds

The CSO conducts an annual joint survey with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform of all central government departments. The survey confirms or revises existing listings and obtains further information as needed on all bodies under the aegis of these government units to ensure their correct statistical classification.  Departments, Additional Votes and Extra-Budgetary Funds are shown in the following tables. See Background Notes for more information.

Table 3.1 Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine

Table 3.2 Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation

Table 3.3 Department of Children and Youth Affairs

Table 3.4 Department of Communication, Climate Action and Environment

Table 3.5 Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht

Table 3.6 Department of Defence

Table 3.7 Department of Education and Skills

Table 3.8 Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

Table 3.9 Department of Finance

Table 3.10 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Table 3.11 Department of Health

Table 3.12 Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government

Table 3.13 Department of Justice and Equality

Table 3.14 Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

Table 3.15 Department of Rural and Community Development

Table 3.16 Department of the Taoiseach

Table 3.17 Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

Next Chapter >> Local Government


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