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Additional Statistical Tables

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Table 3.1 provides a more detailed breakdown of offence groups. The rise in Controlled drug offences (17.2%), which was the second largest of all the offence groups, in the 12 months to September 2019 was driven by an increase of 2,284 incidents of Possession of drugs for personal use (+17%) and an increase of 568 in Possession of drugs for sale or supply (+14%).

Kidnapping and related offences also saw a double-digit (16.2%) increase in the year ending September 2019. It is important to point out that the total number of these incidents remains extremely low. The rise in recorded crimes in this group arises primarily due to an increase in the number of reported Abductions of persons under 16 (+16).

There was a substantial increase in the number of recorded incidents of Driving/In charge of a vehicle under the influence of drugs. The number of incidents has increased by 691 (169%) compared with the previous 12 months. Incidents of Driving/In charge of a vehicle while over the legal alcohol limit fell by 407 (-6%) over the same period.

The fall in the number of Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences of 5% (125 incidents) is due primarily to a drop of 7% (97) in the number of reported incidents of Robbery from the person in the 12 months ending September 2019. Recorded incidents of Burglary and Related Incidents fell by 6% (1,114 incidents). This drop was principally due to a decrease in incidents of Burglary not aggravated of 1,102 incidents or 6%.

Table 3.1 Recorded crime incidents1 classified by offence group and annualised2 total to Q3 2018 and 2019
 Annualised total to Q3
ICCSq offence group20182019Change% Change
01 Homicide offences8154-27-33
01a Murder4134-7-17
01d Dangerous driving leading to death3614-22-61
02 Sexual offences3,1123,3322207
02aRape of a male or female71484112718
02bDefilement of a boy or girl less than 17 years old1531954227
02cSexual offence involving mentally impaired person3420-14-41
02dAggravated sexual assault118-3-27
02e Sexual assault (not aggravated)1,8061,748-58-3
02f Other sexual offences39452012632
03 Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences19,67221,4381,7669
03c Assault causing harm, poisoning4,4784,7592816
03d Other assault12,60113,7771,1769
03e Harassment and related offences1,6081,669614
04 Dangerous or negligent acts8,4548,7402863
04a Dangerous driving causing serious bodily harm18341689
04b Driving/In charge of a vehicle while over legal alcohol limit7,1846,777-407-6
04c Driving/In charge of a vehicle under the influence of drugs4081,099691169
04fEndangerment with potential for serious harm or death1842274323
04gAbandoning a child, child neglect and cruelty348288-60-17
04hUnseaworthy/dangerous use of boat or ship3300
04i False alarm/interference with aircraft or air transport facilities2200
04j Endangering traffic offences30731031
05 Kidnapping and related offences1171361916
05aFalse imprisonment798456
05b Abduction of person under 16 years of age122816133
05c Human trafficking offences2624-2-8
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences2,4572,332-125-5
06a Robbery of an establishment or institution749614-135-18
06b Robbery of cash or goods in transit163317106
06c Robbery from the person1,4901,393-97-7
06d Blackmail or extortion1101453532
06e Carjacking, hijacking/unlawful seizure of aircraft/vessel921475560
07 Burglary and related offences17,69416,580-1,114-6
07a Aggravated burglary250267177
07bBurglary (not aggravated)17,09115,989-1,102-6
07cPossession of an article (with intent to burgle, steal, demand)353324-29-8
08 Theft and related offences66,57669,0632,4874
08a Theft/Taking of vehicle and related offences4,6484,9503026
08b Theft from person4,6674,545-122-3
08c Theft from shop23,16924,8171,6487
08d Other thefts, handling stolen property34,09234,7516592
09 Fraud, deception and related offences5,7797,8052,02635
09aFraud, deception and related offences5,7797,8052,02635
10 Controlled drug offences17,89620,9723,07617
10a Importation of drugs132916123
10bCultivation or manufacture of drugs212205-7-3
10c Possession of drugs for sale or supply4,0634,63156814
10d Possession of drugs for personal use13,10215,3862,28417
10e Other drug offences50672121542
11 Weapons and explosives offences2,3892,70631713
11aExplosives, chemical weapons offences259166264
11bDischarging a firearm9810355
11cPossession of a firearm19920453
11dOffensive weapons offences (nec)1,8922,11622412
11e Fireworks offences1751921710
12 Damage to property and to the environment21,54422,2336893
12bCriminal damage (not arson)19,79120,4146233
12c Litter offences141154139
13 Public order and other social code offences31,56432,9151,3514
13a Disorderly conduct26,37228,2551,8837
13b Trespass offences2,1842,272884
13c Liquor licensing offences624536-88-14
13d Prostitution offences3610670194
13e Regulated betting or money, collection or trading offences153142-11-7
13fOther social code offences (nec)2,1951,604-591-27
15 Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime15,49816,2637655
15aOffences against government and its agents (nec)1842193519
15bOrganisation of crime and conspiracy to commit crime86-2-25
15c Perverting the course of justice3324-9-27
15d Offences while in custody, breach of court orders15,27316,0147415
1 These statistics are categorised as under reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by CSO.
2 The annualised figure for a given quarter is the total number of crimes recorded in the 12 months prior to end of that quarter.

Table 3.2 shows the trend in recorded crime incidents for a period of five years from the year ending September 2015 to the year ending September 2019. This information is presented graphically in figures 3.1 and 3.2.

The number of reported Sexual offences has increased year on year over the period, with a total of 3,332 incidents in the year to Q3 2019, up 49.3% on the figure for the year to Q3 2015. The number of reported Burglary and related offences has fallen by 41.8% over the five-year period.

Over the 5 years, there has been notable increases in the numbers of recorded incidents of Group 15 Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime (+49.9%), Group 10 Controlled drug offences (+39.1%), Group 9 Fraud, deception and related offences (+35.1%), and Group 3 Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences (28.9%). There have been decreases in the number of recorded incidents in Group 12 Damage to property and to the environment and Group 8 Theft and related offences of 17.1% and 11.1% respectively.


X-axis label20152016201720182019
02 Sexual offences22322496276231123332
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences 25462268199824572332
09 Fraud, deception and related offences57785070524757797805
11 Weapons and explosives offences23982114236623892706
X-axis label20142015201620172018
02 Sexual offences20862321263529383231
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences26062428199923092416
09 Fraud, deception and related offences53765464511753226841
11 Weapons and explosives offences24892329211223812491
X-axis label20152016201720182019
07 Burglary and related offences2846719671189621769416580
08 Theft and related offences7768866108686556657669063
10 Controlled drug offences1508015673169321789620972
12 Damage to property and to the environment2681722639232482154422233
X-axis label20142015201620172018
07 Burglary and related offences2869523452184461868316766
10 Controlled Drug offences1550315489162591656419247
12 Criminal Damage2722624894220332305321727
13 Public Order3267032815290773110832571
Table 3.2 Recorded crime incidents1 classified by offence group and annualised2 total to Q3, 2015 to 2019
 Annualised total to Q3
ICCSq offence group20152016201720182019
01 Homicide and related offences8584988154
02 Sexual offences2,2322,4962,7623,1123,332
03 Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences16,62616,94918,26919,67221,438
04 Dangerous or negligent acts7,0367,4418,2778,4548,740
05 Kidnapping and related offences140144115117136
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences 2,5462,2681,9982,4572,332
07 Burglary and related offences28,46719,67118,96217,69416,580
08 Theft and related offences77,68866,10868,65566,57669,063
09 Fraud, deception and related offences5,7785,0705,2475,7797,805
10 Controlled drug offences15,08015,67316,93217,89620,972
11 Weapons and explosives offences2,3982,1142,3662,3892,706
12 Damage to property and to the environment26,81722,63923,24821,54422,233
13 Public order and other social code offences32,79330,27330,74731,56432,915
15 Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime 10,84712,36913,20015,49816,263
1 These statistics are categorised as under reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by CSO.
2 The annualised figure for a given quarter is the total number of crimes recorded in the 12 months prior to end of that quarter.

A breakdown of recorded crime incidents by Garda region for the years to Q3 2018 and Q3 2019 are provided in table 3.3. The proportion of recorded incidents of Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences which occurred in the Dublin region represented 69.1% of the national total in the year to Q3 2019. There were decreases in the number of Burglary and related offences across all regions.

Table 3.3 Recorded crime incidents1 classified by offence group, Garda region and annualised2 total to Q3 2018 and 2019
Garda region 
ICCSq offence groupNorthern Western SouthernEastern South Eastern Dublin MetropolitanState
Annualised total to Q3 2018
01 Homicide and related offences199161081981
02 Sexual offences3803025774824289433,112
03 Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences2,5532,0773,5432,9832,2546,26219,672
04 Dangerous or negligent acts1,1781,1331,6771,4791,2441,7438,454
05 Kidnapping and related offences19132312743117
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences 9386192189991,7982,457
07 Burglary and related offences1,6021,4552,1932,9511,7427,75117,694
08 Theft and related offences4,0204,3309,5608,4035,34634,91766,576
09 Fraud, deception and related offences5725167887884912,6245,779
10 Controlled drug offences1,2261,2483,0913,5392,0926,70017,896
11 Weapons and explosives offences2251953553082061,1002,389
12 Damage to property and to the environment2,3851,8853,6182,9882,3128,35621,544
13 Public order and other social code offences3,9193,5696,7723,1563,83010,31831,564
15 Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime 8237952,4901,6201,1298,64115,498
Annualised total to Q3 2019
01 Homicide and related offences869552154
02 Sexual offences4023446534864241,0233,332
03 Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences2,6572,2283,8953,1052,1827,37121,438
04 Dangerous or negligent acts1,3251,0571,6611,5071,2201,9708,740
05 Kidnapping and related offences231624151444136
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences 14178238164991,6122,332
07 Burglary and related offences1,4561,1671,9002,9141,5837,56016,580
08 Theft and related offences4,3284,1859,4608,7335,23837,11969,063
09 Fraud, deception and related offences6947461,1211,0776653,5027,805
10 Controlled drug offences1,7301,3083,5164,0272,3068,08520,972
11 Weapons and explosives offences2982004323122201,2442,706
12 Damage to property and to the environment2,4751,8573,6652,9902,1989,04822,233
13 Public order and other social code offences4,3793,3096,6543,4843,95911,13032,915
15 Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime 1,0011,2032,1011,8261,1848,94816,263
Annualised total change to Q3 2019
01 Homicide and related offences-11-3-7-5-32-27
02 Sexual offences2242764-480220
03 Attempts/threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences104151352122-721,1091,766
04 Dangerous or negligent acts147-76-1628-24227286
05 Kidnapping and related offences43137119
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences 48-846-250-186-125
07 Burglary and related offences-146-288-293-37-159-191-1,114
08 Theft and related offences308-145-100330-1082,2022,487
09 Fraud, deception and related offences1222303332891748782,026
10 Controlled drug offences504604254882141,3853,076
11 Weapons and explosives offences73577414144317
12 Damage to property and to the environment90-28472-114692689
13 Public order and other social code offences460-260-1183281298121,351
15 Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime 178408-38920655307765
1 These statistics are categorised as under reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by CSO.
2 The annualised figure for a given quarter is the total number of crimes recorded in the 12 months prior to end of that quarter.
Northern Western SouthernEastern South Eastern Dublin Metropolitan
02 Sexual offences12.110.319.614.612.730.7
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences 63.310.274.269.1
07 Burglary and related offences8.8711.517.69.545.6
08 Theft and related offences6.36.113.712.67.653.7
10 Controlled drug offences8.26.216.819.21138.6
12 Damage to property and to the environment11.18.416.513.49.940.7
13 Public order and other social code offences13.310.120.210.61233.8

The Statbank Tables are available here

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