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    These statistics are categorised as Under Reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by the CSO.

    For further information please refer to the Under Reservation FAQ page.

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Recorded Crime statistics are produced on a quarterly basis by the Central Statistics Office.

The Recorded Crime electronic publication and related tables provide statistical information on the volume and type of crimes recorded by An Garda Síochána.

Recorded Crime statistics are categorised by the Central Statistics Office as Statistics Under Reservation. This category is used to keep users informed about the quality of statistical outputs, and arises because of ongoing data quality issues within the data source. In the case of PULSE data, it informs users that Recorded Crime statistics based on recorded incidents on PULSE may understate or overstate the prevalence of reported offences and may be subject to revisions in subsequent statistical publications.

Please see Statistics Under Reservation FAQs for further information.

Data Source

Recorded Crime statistics are compiled exclusively from administrative records created and maintained by An Garda Síochána, Ireland’s National Police and Security Service, on their incident recording system PULSE (Police Using Leading Systems Effectively).

Published figures may be subject to revision as underlying records are subject to update, review or revision by An Garda Síochána as investigations progress.

Data Collection

Crimes reported to, or which become known to, An Garda Síochána are recorded as crime incidents if a member of An Garda Síochána determines that, on the balance of probability, a criminal offence defined by law has taken place, and there is no credible evidence to the contrary.

The rules governing how crimes are to be recorded by An Garda Síochána are provided in the Guide to How Crime is Recorded and Counted by An Garda Síochána. This newly published document explains the rationale for whether or not to record a crime incident and what to record, and provides guidance for the classification, reclassification, and invalidation of crime incident records, and for recording whether a crime incident has been detected. Its publication is an important development, not only for providing transparency in how crime is recorded on PULSE, but also in allowing users to better understand and use its statistical outputs.

Crime incidents are classified by type according to a set of approximately 200 different incident types (e.g. murder, assault, burglary).

Crime incidents are recorded against the Garda sub-district in which the offence was committed, or where it was reported if the place of commission cannot be determined.

Compilation of Recorded Crime statistics

The Central Statistics Office is in receipt of a single regular data extract from the PULSE database, updated each quarter. The data extract comprises a subset of the data held on the PULSE database, configured for the specific purpose of compiling Recorded Crime statistics.

Only valid, primary crime incidents assigned to a valid Garda sub-district within the State are included in Recorded Crime statistics.

Recorded Crime incidents are differentiated by type, reporting period and location for statistical purposes:

  • Crime type

The ‘incident type’ variable, as recorded on PULSE, is used to differentiate between crimes of different type.

The set of PULSE incident types is mapped to the Irish Crime Classification System (ICCS) for statistical reporting.

The Recorded Crime publication does not include Groups 14 and 16 of the ICCS, and includes only some subcategories of Group 4. This is because some offences (i.e. specified road traffic offences) are initially recorded as Fixed Charge Notice offences on a separate database and are only recorded on PULSE if the offender fails to pay the fine within the specified time period. Statistics on Fixed Charge Notice offences are not published by the CSO at present. 

  • Date

The ‘date reported’ variable, as recorded on PULSE, is used to differentiate between different reporting time periods i.e. by quarter and by year.

It is the date the crime is reported, rather the date the crime occurred, which is used for statistical reporting, in line with international best practice.

  • Location

The Station (or Garda sub-district) variable, as recorded on PULSE, is used to aggregate crime incidents up to administrative areas such as Garda Divisions and Garda Regions.

For stations which have been closed, crime incidents are reassigned to the Garda sub-district which assumed responsibility for the area of the closed station.

The Garda regional structure changed in Q4 2019. This reduced the number of Garda regions from six to four. The four regions are

  • Dublin Metropolitan Region
  • North Western Region
  • Eastern Region
  • Southern Region

Data edits for statistical purposes

Recorded Crime statistics are based on the unedited records of An Garda Síochána, except in the following circumstances:

  • For Garda stations which have been closed, crime incidents are reassigned to the Garda sub-district which assumed responsibility for the area of the closed station. 
  • From Q4 2017, CSO implemented an automatic edit to PULSE data whereby only a single incident is counted in cases deemed to be a continuous series involving the same victim and same offender, in accordance with Section B.3 of the Crime Counting Rules. The automatic edit replaced a manual edit which had been previously carried out on a quarterly basis. The edit is only performed in the case of incidents within Group 02 Sexual Offences and Group 09 Fraud offences, and with reported dates between January 1st 2003 and June 30th 2017. An Garda Síochána introduced additional quality control procedures in respect of incidents recorded after June 30th 2017, eliminating the need for CSO to continue to implement the edit after this date.
  • Until Q2 2019, CSO performed an edit whereby it amended, for statistical purposes, the classification of incident records where the age of the victim determined that the incident type classification was inaccurate. For example, an incident classified as Abduction of a Child would be edited, for statistical purposes, to False Imprisonment if the recorded victim was not aged under 16. Due to improvements in data quality, this check is no longer performed on incidents with reported dates after June 30th 2017.

ICCSQ Offence Groups 



Homicide offences

Manslaughter (traffic fatality)
Dangerous driving causing death


Sexual offences

Rape of a male or female
Rape Section 4
Unlawful carnal knowledge/Criminal law (Sexual Offences Act) 2006
Sexual offence involving mentally impaired person
Aggravated sexual assault
Sexual Assault
Child pornography offences
Child pornography – obstruction of warrant
Gross indecency


Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences

Murder – attempt
Threat to kill or cause serious harm
Assault causing harm
Assault or obstruction of Garda/official, resisting arrest
Minor assault
Harassment, stalking, threats
Demanding payment of debt causing alarm
Housing Act
Menacing phone calls
Incitement to hatred offences


Dangerous or negligent acts

Dangerous driving causing serious bodily harm
Driving/In charge of a vehicle while over legal alcohol limit
Driving/In charge of a vehicle while under the influence of drugs
Endangerment with potential for serious harm or death
Abandoning a child, child neglect and cruelty
Unseaworthy/dangerous use of a boat or ship
False alarm/interference with aircraft or air transport facilities
Endangering traffic offences


Kidnapping and related offences

False imprisonment
Abduction of person under 16 years of age
Human trafficking offences


Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences

Robbery of an establishment or institution
Robbery of cash of goods in transit
Robbery from the person
Blackmail or extortion
Carjacking, hijacking/unlawful seizure of aircraft/vessel


Burglary and related offences

Aggravated burglary
Burglary (not aggravated)
Possession of an article (with intent to burgle, steal, demand)


Theft and related offences

Theft/Unauthorised taking of a vehicle
Interfering with vehicle (with intent to steal item or vehicle)
Theft from person
Theft from shop
Theft from vehicle
Theft/Unauthorised taking of a pedal cycle
Theft of, or interference with, mail
Handling or possession of stolen property
Theft of other property


Fraud, deception and related offences

Fraud, deception, false pretence offences
Forging an instrument to defraud
Possession of an article for use in fraud, deception or extortion
Falsification of accounts
Offences under the Companies Act
Offences under the Investment Intermediaries Act
Offences under the Stock Exchange Act
Money laundering
Fraud against the European Union
Importation/Sale/Supply of tobacco
Counterfeiting notes and coins
Counterfeiting of goods
Bad debts criminal (Debtors Ireland)
Corruption (involving public office holder)


Controlled drug offences

Importation of drugs
Cultivation or manufacture of drugs
Possession of drugs for sale or supply
Possession of drugs for personal use
Forged or altered prescription offences
Obstruction under the Drugs Act


Weapons and explosives offences

Causing an explosion
Making of explosives
Possession of explosives
Chemical weapons offences
Discharging a firearm
Possession of a firearm
Possession of offensive weapons (not firearms)
Fireworks offences (for sale, igniting etc.)


Damage to property and to the environment

Criminal damage (not arson)
Litter offences


Public order and other social code offences

Affray/Riot/Violent disorder
Public order offences
Drunkenness offences
Air rage-disruptive or drunken behaviour on aircraft
Forcible entry and occupation (not burglary)
Trespass on lands or enclosed areas
Liquor licensing offences
Registered clubs offences
Special restaurant offences
Provision of intoxicating liquor to under 18 year olds
Purchase or consumption of alcohol by under 18 year olds
Sale of intoxicating liquor to under 18 year olds
Brothel keeping
Organisation of prostitution
Prostitution, including soliciting etc.
Offences under the Betting Acts
Collecting money without permit, unauthorised collection
Offences under Gaming and Lotteries Acts
Permit/License offences for casual/street trading
Allowing a child (under 16 years) to beg


Road and traffic offences (NEC)

Driving licence-failure to have, produce etc.
Insurance-failure to have, produce, display etc.
No tax, non-display of tax, unregistered vehicle etc.
Misuse of Trade Licence
Misuse of trailers, weight and other offences
Obstruction under road traffic acts
Other road offences
Road transport – carriage of goods offences
Public service vehicle offences
Light rail offences (Luas)


Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime

Breaches of Offences Against the State Acts
Breaches of Official Secrets Act
Impersonating member of An Garda Síochána
Electoral offences including personation
Public mischief-annoying phone calls, wasting police time
Criminal Assets Bureau offences (organised crime)
Conspiracy to commit a crime
Interfering with a jury (embracery)
Assisting offenders
Public mischief, pervert course of justice, conceal offence
Escape or help to escape from custody
Prison offences
Breach of Domestic Violence Order (protection, safety, barring)
Breach of order under Family Law Act
Breach of bail
Failure to comply under Sex Offenders Act
Other failure to comply with court order, jury summons, warrant etc.

User note for Q2 2021: The description of subgroup 03b has changed from 'Murder - Threat' to 'Threat to kill or cause serious harm' to align with the PULSE incident type description.

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