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Additional Statistical Tables

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Table 3.1 provides a breakdown of the sub-groups within each crime group. The annualised increase of 280 recorded incidents in Sexual offences (Group 02) was largely driven by an increase in Rape of a male or female, up 140, and Sexual assault (not aggravated), up 131. Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences (Group 03) showed an increase of 2,281 incidents, including a rise of 34.8% in Murder-Threats (up 212). The increase in the number of recorded incidents of Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences (Group 06) included an increase of 139 incidents of Robbery of an establishment or institution (+21%) and 169 incidents of Robbery from the person (+14.4%). 

Table 3.1: Recorded crime incidents1 classified by offence group and annualised2 total to Q1 2017 and 2018
ICCSq offence groupAnnualised total to Q1
   20172018Change% Change
01Homicide offences8772-15-17.2
 01a Murder3741410.8
 01d Dangerous driving leading to death4526-19-42.2
02Sexual offences2,6382,91828010.6
 02aRape of a male or female53767714026.1
 02bDefilement of a boy or girl less than 17 years old155143-12-7.7
 02cSexual offence involving mentally impaired person2229731.8
 02dAggravated sexual assault78114.3
 02e Sexual assault (not aggravated)1,5911,7221318.2
 02f Other sexual offences326339134.0
03Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences16,85619,1372,28113.5
 03c Assault causing harm, poisoning3,6304,07044012.1
 03d Other assault11,15912,6721,51313.6
 03e Harassment and related offences1,4341,5621288.9
04Dangerous or negligent acts7,8128,2574455.7
 04a Dangerous driving causing serious bodily harm811337.5
 04b Driving/In charge of a vehicle while over legal alcohol limit7,0057,2972924.2
 04c Driving/In charge of a vehicle under the influence of drugs2352723715.7
 04fEndangerment with potential for serious harm or death10611154.7
 04gAbandoning a child, child neglect and cruelty3023504815.9
 04hUnseaworthy/dangerous use of boat or ship3300.0
 04i False alarm/interference with aircraft or air transport facilities45125.0
 04j Endangering traffic offences1492085939.6
05Kidnapping and related offences1121301816.1
 05aFalse imprisonment707557.1
 05b Abduction of person under 16 years of age2317-6-26.1
 05c Human trafficking offences193819100.0
06Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences2,0002,31831815.9
 06a Robbery of an establishment or institution66380213921.0
 06b Robbery of cash or goods in transit2315-8-34.8
 06c Robbery from the person1,1711,34016914.4
 06d Blackmail or extortion727756.9
 06e Carjacking, hijacking/unlawful seizure of aircraft/vessel71841318.3
07Burglary and related offences18,35718,5762191.2
 07a Aggravated burglary220231115.0
 07bBurglary (not aggravated)17,66317,9312681.5
 07cPossession of an article (with intent to burgle, steal, demand)474414-60-12.7
08Theft and related offences64,42369,6385,2158.1
 08a Theft/Taking of vehicle and related offences4,6245,0524289.3
 08b Theft from person4,7104,792821.7
 08c Theft from shop21,48023,0321,5527.2
 08d Other thefts, handling stolen property33,60936,7623,1539.4
09Fraud, deception and related offences5,2085,92571713.8
 09aFraud, deception and related offences5,2085,92571713.8
10Controlled drug offences16,27516,6263512.2
 10a Importation of drugs2817-11-39.3
 10bCultivation or manufacture of drugs268230-38-14.2
 10c Possession of drugs for sale or supply3,7623,818561.5
 10d Possession of drugs for personal use11,57812,1145364.6
 10e Other drug offences639447-192-30.0
11Weapons and explosives offences2,1122,36525312.0
 11aExplosives, chemical weapons offences123321175.0
 11bDischarging a firearm9690-6-6.3
 11cPossession of a firearm201187-14-7.0
 11dOffensive weapons offences (nec)1,6661,87621012.6
 11e Fireworks offences1371794230.7
12Damage to property and to the environment22,04623,1891,1435.2
 12bCriminal damage (not arson)20,24421,3241,0805.3
 12c Litter offences164142-22-13.4
13Public order and other social code offences29,07831,0832,0056.9
 13a Disorderly conduct23,92625,3721,4466.0
 13b Trespass offences2,0992,31321410.2
 13c Liquor licensing offences903741-162-17.9
 13d Prostitution offences3441720.6
 13e Regulated betting or money, collection or trading offences227187-40-17.6
 13fOther social code offences (nec)1,8892,42954028.6
15Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime12,53313,4288957.1
 15aOffences against government and its agents (nec)260169-91-35.0
 15bOrganisation of crime and conspiracy to commit crime79228.6
 15c Perverting the course of justice6052-8-13.3
 15d Offences while in custody, breach of court orders12,20613,1989928.1
1 These statistics are categorised as under reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by CSO.
2 The annualised figure for a given quarter is the total number of crimes recorded in the 12 months prior to end of that quarter.

Table 3.2 shows the trend in recorded incidents of crime over a five-year period, and selected crime groups are shown in figures 3.1 and 3.2. The number of recorded incidents of Sexual offences (Group 02) has risen continuously over the five-year period, from 1,903 incidents in the year to Q1 2014 to 2,918 incidents in the year to Q1 2018.

Several groups have increased in the most recent period despite having shown a general decrease over the previous few years, including Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences (Group 06), Burglary and related offences (Group 07), Weapons and explosives offences (Group 11), Damage to Property and the environment (Group 12) and Public Order and other social code offences (Group 13).

Table 3.2: Recorded crime incidents1 classified by offence group and annualised2 total to Q1, 2014 to 2018
  Annualised total to Q1
ICCSq offence group20142015201620172018
01Homicide offences11190848772
02Sexual offences1,9032,0862,3272,6382,918
03Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences14,30015,68916,94316,85619,137
04Dangerous or negligent acts7,5017,0967,1907,8128,257
05Kidnapping and related offences123131146112130
06Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences2,7842,6062,4272,0002,318
07Burglary and related offences26,54928,68123,42618,35718,576
08Theft and related offences77,66878,72673,10164,42369,638
09Fraud, deception and related offences5,0225,3695,4625,2085,925
10Controlled drug offences15,64315,50615,49616,27516,626
11Weapons and explosives offences2,6772,4892,3302,1122,365
12Damage to property and to the environment28,16327,23124,90422,04623,189
13Public order and other social code offences35,36332,66632,82229,07831,083
15Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime9,3699,96412,00612,53313,428
1 These statistics are categorised as under reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by CSO.
2 The annualised figure for a given quarter is the total number of crimes recorded in the 12 months prior to end of that quarter.
X-axis label20142015201620172018
02 Sexual offences19032086232726382918
06 Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences27842606242720002318
09 Fraud, deception and related offences50225369546252085925
11 Weapons and explosives offences26772489233021122365
X-axis label20142015201620172018
07 Burglary and related offences2654928681234261835718576
10 Controlled Drug offences1564315506154961627516626
12 Criminal Damage2816327231249042204623189
13 Public Order3536332666328222907831083

Table 3.3 provides a breakdown of the number of recorded crime incidents for each Garda Region for the year to Q1 2017 and the year to Q1 2018. There was an increase in the number of recorded incidents of Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences (Group 03) across all regions, with the Dublin Region (+497) and Eastern Region (+428) showing the largest increases.

The number of recorded incidents of Burglary and related offences (Group 07) fell in the Dublin Region but rose in most other regions. In contrast the number of recorded incidents of Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences (Group 06), already significantly higher in the Dublin region than across the remainder of the country, increased by more in the Dublin Region than across the remainder.

Table 3.3: Recorded crime incidents1 classified by offence group, Garda region and annualised2 total to Q1 2017 and 2018
Garda region
ICCSq offence groupNorthern Western SouthernEastern South Eastern Dublin MetropolitanState
Annualised total to Q1 2017 
01Homicide offences1311181272687
02Sexual offences2892824544403278462,638
03Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences2,1851,7393,1462,4071,8545,52516,856
04Dangerous or negligent acts1,1151,0111,5651,3061,1161,6997,812
05Kidnapping and related offences17615131447112
06Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences13260175191891,3532,000
07Burglary and related offences1,5261,3001,7683,1861,8848,69318,357
08Theft and related Offences4,0234,1738,1798,1035,55234,39364,423
09Fraud, deception and related offences4864907286744422,3885,208
10Controlled drug offences1,1291,3262,9602,7631,9976,10016,275
11Weapons and explosives offences2141763033001849352,112
12Damage to property and to the environment2,2051,7993,5883,0692,4088,97722,046
13Public order and other social code offences3,5133,6306,3482,9993,3499,23929,078
15Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime7818562,2521,3388796,42712,533
Annualised total to Q1 2018       
01Homicide offences11615772672
02Sexual offences3482665764304148842,918
03Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences2,5462,0283,5662,8352,1406,02219,137
04Dangerous or negligent acts1,1631,1231,6601,4431,2011,6678,257
05Kidnapping and related offences161125101256130
06Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences87931922081041,6342,318
07Burglary and related offences1,7511,4882,1623,3781,8737,92418,576
08Theft and related Offences4,2304,5389,5179,1635,73036,46069,638
09Fraud, deception and related offences5665677457334292,8855,925
10Controlled drug offences1,0441,2783,0623,2212,0026,01916,626
11Weapons and explosives offences2402023532892131,0682,365
12Damage to property and to the environment2,4562,0673,6813,2952,4699,22123,189
13Public order and other social code offences3,7293,5516,4833,1833,65410,48331,083
15Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime7547572,1911,3099417,47613,428
Annualised total change to Q1 2018       
01Homicide offences-2-5-3-500-15
02Sexual offences59-16122-108738280
03Attempts or threats to murder, assaults, harassments and related offences3612894204282864972,281
04Dangerous or negligent acts481129513785-32445
05Kidnapping and related offences-1510-3-2918
06Robbery, extortion and hijacking offences-4533171715281318
07Burglary and related offences225188394192-11-769219
08Theft and related Offences2073651,3381,0601782,0675,215
09Fraud, deception and related offences80771759-13497717
10Controlled drug offences-85-481024585-81351
11Weapons and explosives offences262650-1129133253
12Damage to property and to the environment25126893226612441,143
13Public order and other social code offences216-791351843051,2442,005
15Offences against Government, justice procedures and organisation of crime-27-99-61-29621,049895
1 These statistics are categorised as under reservation. This categorisation indicates that the quality of these statistics do not meet the standards required of official statistics published by CSO.
2 The annualised figure for a given quarter is the total number of crimes recorded in the 12 months prior to end of that quarter.

The Statbank Tables are available here

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