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South-West Region

South-West Region

The South-West region's Entrepreneurial Income fell by 55% to €456m

Online ISSN: 2009-5457
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

The South-West region (Cork and Kerry) is the largest agricultural region in the country, generating 21% of the State’s Agricultural Output at Basic Prices. It is the largest milk producer, accounting for 31% of Irish milk, 10% more than any other region. Milk generated 46% of the region’s Agricultural Output at Basic Prices. It is also the second largest producer of cattle and pigs, producing 17% of Irish cattle and 20% of Irish pigs. While it is the third largest cereal producing region, they still only accounted for 2% of the region’s output.

The value of the South-West’s Agricultural Output at Basic Prices decreased by 18% (-€499m) to €2.3bn with milk accounting for €469m of this reduction. The value of its livestock rose by €6m to €742m due to the impact of a 13% (+€16m) rise in pigs. This increase helped to offset the impact of a 1% (-€7m) fall in cattle and a 7% (-€4m) contraction in sheep values. Milk was down 30% to €1.1bn, while crop output decreased by 13% (-€54m) to €370m. Cereals, which fell by 49%, were responsible for €50m of this decline. The value of potatoes to the region increased by 16% (+€3m) to €19m.

Intermediate Consumption costs fell by 2% (-€37m) to €1.6bn. The cost of fertilisers contracted by 33% (-€86m) to €175m while feeding stuffs were down 3% (-€12m) to €462m. Expenditure on Other Goods & Services grew by 24% (+€33m) to €173m, contract work rose by 15% (+€17m) to €130m, Energy & Lubricants were up 13% (+€16m) to €139m, and veterinary expenses increased by 17% (+€13m) to €94m. Other Subsidies less Taxes on Production fell by 19% (-€66m) to €286m. The region’s Operating Surplus was down 46% (-€526m) to €624m and its Entrepreneurial Income dropped by 55% (-€546m) to €456m (See Table 1.2).

Table 6.1: Regional Agricultural Accounts at NUTS 3 level for South-West Region, 2020-2023
Description€ millionChange 2023/2022% Share of State Total
2020202120222023 Value (€m)Value (%) 2023
Livestock Products8601,0921,5591,092-467-3030
Goods Output at Producer Prices1,7462,0552,7192,204-516-1921
Agricultural Output at Basic Prices1,8482,1502,8322,334-499-1821
Intermediate Consumption1,0711,2061,6331,595-37-221
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices7779451,200739-461-3821
Net Subsidies313307352286-66-1917
Operating Surplus7449331,150624 -526-46 21
Entrepreneurial Income6448071,002456 -546-55 21

South-West Region Agricultural Output

Figure 6.1 shows the composition of Agricultural Output for the South-West Region (Cork and Kerry) in 2023.

X-axis label2023
Forage plants10.9
All other crops5