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South-East Region

South-East Region

The South-East had the highest rate of decline in agricultural income, with its Entrepreneurial Income down 61% to €268m

Online ISSN: 2009-5457
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

The South-East (Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford, and Wexford) is the second largest producer of cereals, potatoes, and fresh fruit in the country, growing 20% of Irish crops. It is also the third largest milk producing region, accounting for 19% of Irish milk. Livestock generated 34% of the value of its Agricultural Output at Basic Prices.

The region’s Agricultural Output at Basic Prices decreased by 14% (-€315m) to €1.9bn, the second largest rate of decline. The value of its cattle, which accounted for 21% of output, was down 1% (-€5m) to €398m. Pig production grew by 14% (+€14m) to €112m and sheep fell by 11% (-€4m) to €30m. Poultry was up 8% (+€1m) to €10m. Milk, which generated 35% of the region’s Agricultural Output at Basic Prices, contracted by 30% (-€280m) to €653m. Crop production was down 7% (-€40m) to €501m, with cereals falling by 51% (-€109m) to €103m and fresh fruit decreasing by 14% (-€2m) to €15m. Some crops fared better. Potatoes grew by 27% (+€9m) to €43m while the value of Other Crops were up by 13% (+€6m) to €55m.

Intermediate Consumption costs decreased by 1% (-€8m) to €1.2bn. Expenditure on fertilisers dropped by 34% (-€83m) to €163m while feeding stuffs were down 2% (-€7m) to €322m. The cost of Maintenance & Repairs rose by 12% (+€10m) to €99m, veterinary expenses grew by 19% (+€9m) to €57m, while expenditure on Other Goods & Services was up 8% (+€8m) to €100m. Other Subsidies less Taxes on Production were worth €180m in 2023, a reduction of 24% (-€57m) on the previous year. The South-East experienced the largest drop in agricultural income, with its Operating Surplus down 50% (-€395m) to €401m and its Entrepreneurial Income contracting by 61% (-€416m) to €268m (See Table 1.2).

Table 5.1: Regional Agricultural Accounts at NUTS 3 level for South-East Region, 2020-2023
Description€ millionChange 2023/2022% Share of State Total
2020202120222023 Value (€m)Value (%) 2023
Livestock Products519626936656-280-3018
Goods Output at Producer Prices1,3901,6122,0991,783-317-1517
Agricultural Output at Basic Prices1,4711,6842,1811,866-315-1417
Intermediate Consumption8629651,2401,232-8-116
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices610719941634-307-3318
Net Subsidies207202238181-58-2411
Operating Surplus488570796401 -395-50 14
Entrepreneurial Income414495684268 -416-61 13

South-East Region Agricultural Output

Figure 5.1 shows the composition of Agricultural Output for the South-East Region (Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford, and Wexford) in 2023.

X-axis label2023
Forage plants13.4
All other crops13.4