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Enterprises and Number of Partner Countries

Enterprises and Number of Partner Countries

Over half of all exporting enterprises exported to only one country in 2022

Online ISSN: 2712-0295
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

This data shows how many partner countries an enterprise trades with.  It is an indication of how globalised an enterprise's trading profile is.  

Over half of all exporting enterprises only exported to one country in 2022. Of the 11,769 exporting enterprises in 2022, 6,684 had just one partner country, while a further 1,903 had two partner countries. These accounted for €4.4 billion and €2.6 billion of exports respectively.

There were 455 enterprises who exported their goods to 20 or more different countries in 2022, and their exports were valued at almost €113 billion.

Table 5.1 Exports by Enterprises and Number of Partner Countries 2022

X-axis labelValue of Exports
1 Partner Country4485938194
2 Partner Countries2622624629
3-5 Partner Countries8198151242
6-9 Partner Countries8139529423
10-14 Partner Countries25004269874
15-19 Partner Countries37907290403
20+ Partner Counries112879695022
X-axis labelNumber of Enterprises
1 Partner Country6684
2 Partner Countries1903
3-5 Partner Countries1463
6-9 Partner Countries665
10-14 Partner Countries376
15-19 Partner Countries223
20+ Partner Counries455

There were 49,517 enterprises who imported goods in 2022, and 15,686 of these imported their goods from just one country, while a further 8,997 imported from two countries. Those who had one importing partner country imported €5 billion of goods, and those with two partner countries imported €5.1 billion.

One quarter of all importing enterprises had between 3 and 5 partner countries, with a value of over €11 billion.

There were 1,073 enterprises who imported goods from more than 20 different countries, and their imports were valued at €53 billion, or 39% of total imports.

Table 5.2 Imports by Enterprises and Number of Partner Countries 2022

X-axis labelValue of Imports
1 Partner Country5071347264
2 Partner Countries5144237628
3-5 Partner Countries11269590201
6-9 Partner Countries13091016910
10-14 Partner Countries14136779350
15-19 Partner Countries32983741230
20+ Partner Counries53049706939
X-axis labelNumber of Enterprises
1 Partner Country15686
2 Partner Countries8997
3-5 Partner Countries12169
6-9 Partner Countries6742
10-14 Partner Countries3486
15-19 Partner Countries1364
20+ Partner Counries1073