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Additional Indicators

Additional Indicators

Online ISSN: 2712-0295
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Appendix 1 Exports by Sector and Enterprise size 2020-2022




Sector €million Number of Enterprises €million Number of Enterprises €million Number of Enterprises
Micro 1,595 1,217 1,878 1,501 2,418 1,407
Small 1,993 786 2,606 920 3,667 901
Medium 11,248 473 11,157 522 13,039 548
Large 118,611 171 119,227 179 155,780 177
Total 133,447 2,647 134,868 3,122 174,905 3,033
Wholesale & Retail
Micro 2,611 2,802 3,245 3,420 4,056 3,278
Small 3,194 1,053 3,512 1,287 3,751 1,304
Medium 2,075 230 2,974 312 3,129 310
Large 2,228 53 3,141 76 3,807 75
Total 10,108 4,138 12,871 5,095 14,743 4,967
Other Activities
Micro 3,590 2,093 2,992 2,590 3,696 2,218
Small 1,767 611 2,336 1,010 1,915 924
Medium 2,662 237 2,439 441 2,623 410
Large 1,038 106 1,977 224 1,356 217
Total 9,058 3,047 9,744 4,265 9,590 3,769
Total 152,613 9,832 157,484 12,482 199,237 11,769

Appendix 2 Imports by Sector and Enterprise size 2020-2022




Sector €million Number of Enterprises €million Number of Enterprises €million Number of Enterprises
Micro 1,392 3,805 2,994 4,460 4,693 4,748
Small 2,322 1,261 2,726 1,546 3,153 1,559
Medium 5,768 547 5,970 606 8,453 630
Large 21,852 175 28,223 186 46,972 185
Total 31,334 5,788 39,912 6,978 63,270 7,122
Wholesale & Retail
Micro 7,062 13,157 8,953 15,706 10,937 15,586
Small 10,094 3,079 11,357 3,548 12,436 3,600
Medium 6,361 551 8,220 593 11,304 605
Large 6,658 92 6,726 104 8,460 101
Total 30,175 16,879 35,257 19,951 43,136 19,892
Other Activities
Micro 5,598 14,579 5,596 15,897 7,065 15,944
Small 3,670 3,269 4,141 4,443 4,698 4,608
Medium 8,419 914 9,099 1,335 9,251 1,457
Large 4,125 359 3,820 457 7,326 494
Total 21,812 19,121 22,656 22,132 28,340 22,503
Total 83,321 41,788 97,825 49,061 134,746 49,517