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Pig numbers down 3.5% in June 2022 compared with the same month last year

Online ISSN: 1393-709X
CSO statistical publication, , 11am


This release presents estimates of numbers of pigs in June 2022 at State level. The estimates are based on returns from the June 2022 Pig Survey which collects data on pig numbers held by specialised producers. The data is collected in accordance with Regulation (EC) No.1165/2008.


Specialised pig farms, totalling 345, were included in the survey for June 2022 with a response rate of 89.8%.


In cases where a pig farm did not make a June 2022 return, an estimate was created by taking that farm's 2021 return and applying the trend observed between the 2021 and 2022 collected data for each category of pigs.  

As figures in the text and tables have been rounded to the nearest 100 units there may be slight discrepancies between the sum (or difference) of the constituent items and the totals shown.

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