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Geographical Results

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This chapter provides an analysis of reoffending rates by regional authority and county. The analysis is based on the address at which the individual resides or their last known address on the Probation Service dataset. The analysis excludes those individuals with addresses outside the jurisdiction.

It is important to note that the tables below refer to three different cohorts of individuals. Caution should be applied when interpreting the reoffending rate for any county where the number of individuals in the study is low because the behaviour of a small number of individuals can have a significant impact on the reoffending rate.

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Table 3.1 provides information on the 2015 cohort. The figures on the table indicate the level of reoffending by individuals within 12 months of the date of their probation order.

The overall rate of reoffending within one year in the state, was 29.5% but there was a high level of variation across the State. The reoffending rate was as low as 16.7% in Co Mayo. The highest rate was 49.1% in Co Westmeath. In 2015, 32% of all individuals in the Probation Service had an address in Dublin. The reoffending rate for Dublin was 30.5%. See Map 3.1.

Table 3.1 Offender numbers and probation reoffending rate by regional authority area and county of residence of offender, 2015 cohort

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Table 3.2 examines the level of reoffending by the 2014 probation cohort within two years of the date of their probation order. In this group the lowest level of reoffending by regional authority area was by those living in the South-East. The reoffending rate after two years for this group, which forms almost 8% of the Probation population, was 33.8%. The highest rate was for those living in the Mid-West at 46.1%.

Table 3.2 Offender numbers and probation reoffending rate by regional authority area and county of residence of offender, 2014 cohort

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The reoffending rates by county and regional authority for the 2013 cohort are presented in table 3.3. The data shows that 45.3% of all individuals in this cohort reoffended within three years of their probation order. The highest level of reoffending was by individuals in Co Limerick (56.6%). A further two counties had rates in excess of 55%. They were Westmeath (56.3%) and Tipperary (56.1%). Less than one in three reoffended within three years in Mayo (26.8%) and Kildare (29.5%). See Map 3.3.

Table 3.3 Offender numbers and probation reoffending rate by regional authority area and county of residence of offender, 2013 cohort

Go to next chapter: 2015 Results