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Type of Pension Coverage

Type of Pension Coverage

Online ISSN: 2811-616X
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

One in five workers with pension cover have both occupational and personal pensions

  • Of those in employment who had a pension in Quarter 3 2023, seven in ten (70%) had occupational pension coverage only (from current or previous employments) – down three percentage points on the same period in 2022. However, one in five (20%) have both occupational and personal pension cover for their retirement, up three percentage points on the same period in 2022. The level of personal pension cover only remains unchanged at 10%. See Table 3.1.
  • The prevalence of pension cover from both occupational and personal pension schemes, increased both for males and females in 2023 – 22% of males with pension cover had both occupational and personal pension schemes (18% in 2022), while nearly one in five (19%) female workers with pension cover had such pension cover (up from 15% in 2022). See Figure 3.1.
  • Over three quarters of workers (with pension cover) in the Public Administration and Defence; Compulsory Social Security (77%) and Education (76%) NACE economic sectors had occupational pension only. Just over one in five working in these sectors (with pension cover) had both occupational and personal pension cover - Public Administration and Defence; Compulsory Social Security (22%) and Education (21%). See Table 3.2.
  • One quarter (25%) of Managers, Directors and Senior Officials (with pension cover) had both occupational and personal pension schemes, compared with only less than one in eight (13%) of workers with pension coverage in the Process, Plant and Machine Operatives and Caring, Leisure and Other Services broad occupational groups.
Occupational pension onlyPersonal pension onlyBoth occupational and personal pension
Table 3.1 Persons in employment (ILO) aged 20 to 69 years with a pension by type of pension, Q3 2021 to Q3 2023

Table 3.2 Persons in employment (ILO) aged 20 to 69 years with pension coverage by type of pension, NACE Rev.2 Economic Sector and broad occupational group, Q3 2021 to Q3 2023