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Output, Input and Income in Agriculture - Preliminary Estimate 2022

Agricultural Operating Surplus increased by 25% to €4.6 billion in 2022

Online ISSN: 2009-5740
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Key Findings

  • Primarily due to large increases in the price of many agricultural outputs, the value of Agricultural Output at Basic Prices is estimated to have increased by 24% or by +€2.5bn to €12.6bn in 2022. 

  • With prices up by 45% and a minor (+1%) increase in production volumes, the value of Milk rose by 46% (+€1.6bn) to €5.0bn. 

  • The value of Livestock grew 14% (+€542m) to €4.5bn in 2022. With stronger prices (+18%) and a small contraction in output volumes (-1%), Cattle accounted for the majority (€447m) of this growth, contributing €3.0bn to the value of Agricultural Output. 

  • Crop values rose by 13% (+€280m) to €2.4bn. With prices rising by 53% and volumes falling by 4%, Cereal values increased by 49% (+€215m) to €649m. 

  • While significant information is still outstanding in relation to input costs, it is estimated that Intermediate Consumption costs grew by 26% (+€1.6bn) to €7.7bn in 2022. 

  • The price of Feeding Stuffs, which accounts for 31% of Intermediate Consumption costs, increased by 29%, and with volumes up by almost 2%, their cost grew by +31% (+€562m) to €2.4bn. 

  • Fertiliser prices experienced the largest increase of all input costs (+137%), resulting in the cost of these items almost doubling to €1.2bn. 

  • Agricultural Operating Surplus increased by 25% (+€941m) to €4.6bn in 2022. 

Statistician's Comment

Commenting on the release, Mairead Griffin, Statistician in the Agriculture Accounts & Production Section, said: “This release provides a second estimate of the value of agricultural outputs, inputs, and income for 2022. While it should be noted that many values are still provisional and will be revised in our final estimates next June, it is nevertheless an important update on the performance of the agricultural sector. This second estimate is less favourable than our previous estimate, with the value of agricultural outputs lower than originally estimated and intermediate consumption costs higher. Our current estimate is that the value of Agricultural Output at Basic Prices grew to €12.6bn, a rise of 24%, which is 2% less than our original estimate, while Intermediate Consumption Costs increased by 26% to €7.7bn, €63m higher than our first estimate.


We reduced our estimate of the value of Livestock by €106m, which now stands at €4.5bn, a rise of 14% on 2021. The value of cattle, sheep and horses are all lower than originally estimated. Our revised measure of the value of Milk is that it has risen to €5.0bn, an annual increase of 46%. While there is little change to our original valuation of Cereals, which remains at €649m, our estimate of the value of Other Crops has fallen by €22m to €593m. The revised value of all Crops is now €2.4bn, up 13% on 2021. 

Input costs

In relation to input costs, as the price of Fertilisers is estimated to have increased by an average of 137% and with volumes down by 16%, the cost of Fertilisers to Irish farmers almost doubled in 2022 to €1.2bn. There is only minimal change to our first estimate of Feeding Stuffs, which remains at €2.4bn, a rise of 31% on 2021. Our estimate of the cost of Energy & Lubricants has also increased and is now estimated to be €662m, 45% higher than in 2021.

As a result of these and other changes, we now calculate that Operating Surplus grew to €4.6bn in 2022, an increase of 25%.” 

Editor's Note

The figures for 2022 are preliminary estimates which are provisional and based on the latest available data. These figures are subject to change once the complete set of data for the full year becomes available. Updated figures for 2022 will be published in the Final Estimate in June 2023. 

Main Results

Table 1.1 presents analysis of Selected Income Indicators for Agriculture from 2020 to 2022. Figure 1.1 shows trends in Selected Income Indicators for Agriculture from 2020 to 2022. 

Table 1.1: Output, Input and Income in Agriculture, 2022
 € million Annual Change (%)
 202020212022 20212022
Goods Output8,3669,60512,021 14.825.2
Intermediate Consumption5,6156,1267,711 9.125.9
Net Subsidies1,7571,7271,819 -1.75.3
Operating Surplus3,1463,7004,641 17.625.4
X-axis label202020212022
Goods Output8.3669.60512.021
Intermediate Consumption5.6156.1267.711
Net Subsidies1.7571.7271.819
Operating Surplus3.1463.74.641

The CSO’s second estimate of Agricultural Operating Surplus for 2022 shows that it grew by 25% (+€941m) to €4.6bn. When reviewing these results, it should however be noted that many values remain provisional until the publication of our final estimates in June 2023. This large growth in operating surplus was due to some significant increases in output prices which, at a national level, were able to counter large increases in input costs. The most notable increases in output prices were in Cereals (+53%), Milk (+45%) and Cattle (+18%) while for input costs, the largest price increases were in Fertilisers (+137%), Energy & Lubricants (+42%), and Feeding Stuffs (+29%). Combined, these three items accounted for 55% of Intermediate Consumption costs. 


The value of all livestock is estimated to have grown in 2022. With volumes contracting by 1% and prices increasing by 18%, the value of Cattle rose by €447m to €3.0bn. The volume of Pig production fell by 3% but with higher prices (+14%), its value grew by €62m to €618m. The price of Sheep rose by 2% and with volumes also up by 2%, the value of sheep increased by €16m to €379m.

The value of Horses grew by 4% (+€13m) to €315m in 2022, due mainly to higher (+3%) prices. Despite volumes contracting by 1%, the value of Poultry increased by 2% to €192m. The volume of Milk production rose by 1% and with prices up by 45%, the value of Milk increased by €1.6bn to €5.0bn in 2022. The value of Other Livestock Products grew by 21% to €102m due mainly to the impact of higher prices (+18%).

Despite a minor (-1%) reduction in output volumes, the value of Crop production rose by 13% (+€280m) to €2.4bn in 2022. Although production volumes contracting by 4%, with large price increases (+53%) the value of Cereals grew by €215m to €649m. With only minor changes (+1%) in output volumes and prices up by 4%, the value of Forage Plants rose by €58m to €1.2bn. Overall, the value of Agricultural Output at Basic Prices increased by 24% (+€2.5bn) to €12.6bn. 


While there is still uncertainty about many input costs, the current estimate is that Intermediate Consumption costs rose by 26% (+€1.6bn) to €7.7bn. The largest increase was in the cost of Fertilisers, where despite volumes falling by 16%, price increases averaging 137% resulted in the cost of Fertilisers almost doubling to €1.2bn. With both volume (+2%) and price (+29%) increasing, the cost of Feeding Stuffs rose by €562m to €2.4bn. 


With the value of Agricultural Outputs at Basic Prices up by €2.5bn and Intermediate Consumption costs rising by €1.6bn, Other Subsidies less Taxes on Production increasing by €84m and Compensation of Employees costs growing by €28m, Operating Surplus is estimated to have grown by 25% (+€941m) to €4.6bn in 2022. 

Table 1.2: Output, Input and Income in Agriculture - Preliminary Estimate 2022

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