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Distance and Duration

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At an overall level, nearly six in every ten journeys (57.6%) are 15 minutes or less in duration while a further 23.5% take between a quarter of an hour and half an hour. Less than one in twenty (4.8%) of all journeys are greater than an hour in duration. See Table 5.1 and Figure 5.1.

Almost six in every ten (58.9%) journeys taken by persons residing outside of Dublin took a quarter of an hour or less, compared to 54.7% of trips taken by people living in Dublin. Nearly three in every ten (27.1%) journeys taken by Dublin residents took 16 to 30 minutes, while one in ten (9.6%) took half an hour to three quarters of an hour in duration. See Table 5.1 and Figure 5.1.

Table 5.1 Percentage distribution of journeys by duration for Dublin and all regions excluding Dublin, 2016, 2019 and 2021

15 minutes or less16-30 minutes31-45 minutes46-60 minutes>60 minutes
All regions excluding Dublin58.921.
All regions57.623.
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Persons residing outside of Dublin were twice as likely as Dubliners to make longer journeys of more than 8 kilometres – 41.2% compared with 21.3% of journeys by people living in Dublin. Journeys taken by persons residing in Dublin tended to be shorter than for persons living in regions outside of Dublin – one third (33.4%) of journeys were less than 2 kilometres, while over one fifth (20.9%) were 2 to 4 kilometres in length. By comparison, less than one in seven (15.1%) journeys taken by persons residing outside of Dublin were between 2 and 4 kilometres, while less than one quarter (24.6%) of their journeys were less than 2 kilometres. See Table 5.2 and Figure 5.2.

Table 5.2 Percentage distribution of journeys by distance for Dublin and all regions excluding Dublin, 2016, 2019 and 2021

<2 kilometres2<4 kilometres4<6 kilometres6<8 kilometres8+ kilometres
All regions excluding Dublin24.615.112741.2
All regions27.316.913.37.435.1
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Analysis of distance by duration shows that almost nine in every ten (88.9%) journeys of less than 2 kilometres took 15 minutes or less. Just 1.5% of journeys of less than 2 kilometres took more than half an hour. For long journeys of 8 kilometres or more, 22.8% took 15 minutes or less, while almost four in ten (39.6%) took more than half an hour. See Table 5.3 and Figure 5.3.

Table 5.3 Percentage distribution of journeys by duration and distance travelled, 2016, 2019 and 2021

< 2 kilometres2<4 kilometres4<6 kilometres6 <8 kilometres8+ kilometres
15 minutes or less88.975.96257.322.8
16-30 minutes9.516.42325.637.6
>30 minutes1.57.61517.139.6
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At an overall level, we are travelling shorter distances and taking less time to do so. The average journey distance, duration and speed have all decreased in 2021, when compared with the same period in 2019. The average journey distance in 2021 was 12.7 kilometres, and on average, took 22.7 minutes to complete, compared with average journey distance of 13.7 kilometres and 23.3 minutes to complete in the same period in 2019. Average journey speed decreased from 35.3 kilometres per hour in 2019 to 30.5 kilometres per hour in 2021. See Table 5.4.

Average journey distance for persons living in Dublin has continued to get shorter. The average journey distance for Dubliners has decreased to 8.2 kilometres (9.5 kilometres in 2019), average journey duration has also decreased – 23.0 minutes compared with 24.8 minutes in 2019. See Table 5.4.

Table 5.4 Average journey profile for Dublin and all regions excluding Dublin, 2016, 2019 and 2021