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Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart

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Consumption of Personal Income

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The following tables show a further breakdown of the Personal Consumption of goods and services items from Expenditure.

Food and non-alcoholic beveragesAlcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcoticsClothing and footwearHousing, water, electricity, gas and other fuelsFurnishings, household equipment and routine maintenanceHealthTransportCommunicationsRecreation and cultureEducationRestaurants and hotelsMiscellaneous goods and services

Figure 8.1 above shows the contributions of each of the different types of expenditure to the total Households Expenditure on Goods and Services. Of this total we can see that housing, water, electricity, gas & other fuels accounts for 29%. Transport and restaurants & hotels each account for 11% while food & non-alcoholic beverages accounts for 10%.

Food and non-alcoholic beveragesAlcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcoticsClothing and footwearHousing, water, electricity, gas and other fuelsFurnishings, household equipment and routine maintenanceHealthTransportCommunicationsRecreation and cultureEducationRestaurants and hotelsMiscellaneous goods and services
2019 - 20202.141544784405665.11003144730485-1.677876021146690.811475429006344-5.43496649147456-10.85364535239-18.433273324292918.4973906975289-19.200031137092-0.707193428686584-39.9463649931885

Figure 8.2 above shows the percentage change in each of the components of Households Expenditure on Goods and Services in 2020. The categories of spending most effected by COVID-19 and its related economic restrictions were travel related expenditure, restaurants & hotels and recreation & culture.

Personal Consumption of Goods and ServicesActual Individual Consumption

Figure 8.3 shows a comparison of Personal Consumption Expenditure and Actual Individual Consumption at constant market prices from 2012 to 2020.

Further information is available in the CSO Information Note on Actual Individual Consumption.

Table 13 Consumption of Personal Income at Current Market Prices

Table 13.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 13

Table 14 Consumption of Personal Income (except Taxes on Personal Income and Wealth) at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2019)

Table 14.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 14

Next Chapter >> Capital Formation