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Savings and Investment

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The following tables show gross national saving, capital formation and the distribution of household income along with its relationship to Net National Product at Factor Cost.

Table 9 shows the gross saving of households calculated from elements of household income and expenditure.

Table 10 shows the gross saving of Government calculated from elements of Government current income and expenditure.

Table 11 shows a breakdown of the sources of gross national saving available for investment in domestic capital formation. It also provides a breakdown of capital formation by whether the captial was produced domestically or imported. See tables 15 and 16 for further detail on capital formation.

Table 12 shows a breakdown of the net income of households and its relationship to Net National Product at Factor Cost.

Table 9 Household Income and Expenditure

Table 10 Current Income and Expenditure of Central and Local Government

Table 11 Savings and Capital Formation

Table 12 Distribution of Household Income and its relationship to Net National Product at Factor Cost

Go to Consumption of Personal Income