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Capital Formation

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The following tables show a further breakdown of Gross domestic fixed capital formation from Expenditure. Tables 15 and 17 are broken down by type of asset and tables 16 and 18 are broken down by sector of use.

X-axis labelDwellingsRoadsOther building and constructionTransfer costsTransport equipmentOther machinery and equipmentSoftwareExplorationArtistic originalsResearch and development

Figure 9.1 above shows the contribution by asset type to Gross Fixed Capital Formation. In 2018 the largest contributor was Research and development accounting for 32% of the total.

X-axis labelAgriculture, forestry and fishingFuel and power productsManufacturing productsBuilding and constructionMarket servicesNon-market services

Figure 9.2 above shows the contribution by activity to Gross Fixed Capital Formation from 2010 to 2018. The impact of the R&D related IP imports can be seen from 2015 on the Manufacturing products and Market services sectors.

Table 15 Gross Domestic Physical Capital Formation at Current Market Prices

Table 16 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation by Sector of Use at Current Market Prices

Table 17 Gross Domestic Physical Capital Formation at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2017)

Table 18 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation by Sector of Use at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2017)

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