This release contains daily and monthly natural gas supply and demand figures from Gas Networks Ireland.
The data are gross calorific values expressed in gigawatt hours (GWh). A kilowatt hour is a unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt of power sustained over an hour. A gigawatt hour is equivalent to one million kWh.
Calorific Value is a measure of the energy contained in gas. The calorific value depends on the composition of the gas. It refers to the amount of energy released when a known volume of gas is completely combusted under specified conditions. The calorific value of natural gas is measured continually using process gas chromatographs.
The CSO received the administrative microdata from Gas Networks Ireland. The daily biomethane figures are confidential. Biomethane is included in the monthly supply figures but excluded from the daily supply figures.
Gas Day means a period beginning at 05:00 and ending at 05:00 on the following day.
The daily natural gas demand figures for households and power plants have a higher level of seasonal variation than the figures for large daily metered customers. On days where there is less wind available, a higher proportion of electricity is generated by gas fired thermal generation plants. Summer months are when natural gas demand by power plants is at its highest. Household heating demand is higher in winter months hence non-daily metered natural gas demand is highest in winter months.
The data were obtained under Section 30 of the Statistics Act, 1993.
This release is published on a monthly basis.
Data for all years and months are subject to revision.
The maximum daily air temperature and daily mean wind speed at Dublin Airport is obtained from the Met Éireann website.
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