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Contact Details

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  • Gordon Cavanagh, Email:    (+353) 1 498 4307

  • Justin Flannery, Email:    (+353) 1 498 4262

  • Oisín Mangan, Email:    (+353) 1 498 4089

  • Eimear Quinn-Healy, Email:    (+353) 1 498 4350

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Please contact: Gordon Cavanagh for queries specific to GDP by Sector, International Trade and Foreign and Domestic GVA and general queries.
Please contact: Justin Flannery for queries specific to Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) and general queries.
Please contact: Oisín Mangan for queries specific to Capital Formation and general queries.
Please contact: Eimear Quinn-Healy for queries specific to Compensation of Employees and general queries.