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Foreign and Domestic GVA

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Multinational sector grew by 3.7% in Q2 2021 while Non-MNE dominated sectors increased by 2.0%

Table 6.1 Gross Value Added for sectors dominated by Foreign-owned MNEs and Other Sectors, Q2 20211
 Amount €mQuarterly % change
Foreign-owned MNE dominated56,0343.7
Total GVA (MNE dominated + Other)99,4433.0
1Constant Market Prices, chain linked annually and referenced to year 2019, seasonally adjusted.

On a seasonally adjusted basis, estimates indicate that Gross Value Added (GVA) in volume terms in the Foreign-owned MNE dominated sector increased by 3.7% for the second quarter of 2021. GVA for the non-MNE dominated sectors of the economy rose by 2.0% over the same period.

Real GVA for the total economy amounted to almost €100 billion in the Q2 2021 reference period, with GVA for MNE dominated sectors representing approximately 56.3% of Total GVA while GVA for the non-MNE dominated sectors represented approximately 43.7% of the total.

Foreign-owned MNE dominatedOther
Q1 2019-1.744991621439251.02142656534219
Q2 201911.2851663738741-0.305992125798238
Q3 20191.210096333630610.954456132875658
Q4 2019-0.02482776603598410.577509902847995
Q1 202013.0438607214768-1.83889495220736
Q2 20202.56698364674894-17.1527440158518
Q3 20209.2931684854922611.0766064198234
Q4 2020-4.198219543682542.61387435746723
Q1 202114.1171826767669-1.07668029051053
Q2 20213.727092521649762.03995441468239
Table 6.2 Gross Value Added at Current Basic Prices & Constant Basic Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2019)1

Table 6.3 Gross Value Added at Current Basic Prices & Constant Basic Prices (Chain linked annually and referenced to year 2019)1 - Seasonally Adjusted

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