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Monthly Unemployment February 2023

The Monthly Unemployment rate for February 2023 was 4.3%

Online ISSN: 2009-8456
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Key Findings

In February 2023 the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was:

  • Down to 4.0% for males from a rate of 4.1% in January 2023, and from a revised rate of 4.5% in February 2022.

  • Unchanged at 4.7% for females from the January 2023 rate, and a decrease from the rate of 4.8% in February 2022.

  • At 10.2% for persons aged 15-24 years (youth unemployment rate), from a revised rate of 10.3% in January 2023.

  • Down to 3.4% for persons aged 25-74 years from a rate of 3.5% in January 2023.

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (01 March 2023) issued Monthly Unemployment Estimates results for February 2023.

Commenting on today’s release, John Mullane, Statistician in the Labour Market Analysis Section, said:

“The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for February 2023 (for all persons aged 15-74 years) was down to 4.3% from 4.4% in January 2023, and down from a revised rate of 4.6% in February 2022. The rate of 4.3% in February 2023 was lower than the pre-pandemic level of 4.8% recorded in February 2020. In February 2023 the unemployment rate for males was 4.0% and for females was 4.7%.

The seasonally adjusted number of persons unemployed was 116,500 in February 2023, compared with 118,100 in January 2023. There was a decrease of 5,700 in the seasonally adjusted number of persons unemployed in February 2023 when compared with a year earlier.

The seasonally adjusted number of males unemployed fell to 56,800 in February 2023, compared with 58,400 in January 2023. In February 2023 the seasonally adjusted number of females unemployed remained unchanged at 59,700, when compared with January 2023.”

Editor's Note

The methodology for the Monthly Unemployment Estimates involves forecasting the number of persons who are unemployed using the trend in the recipient Live Register series. The Department of Social Protection is providing Working Age Income supports to people arriving in Ireland from Ukraine under the Temporary Protection Directive. The Live Register series includes recipients of these supports who have met the relevant criteria. This has impacted on the numbers of unemployed, primarily females, in these monthly estimates.

Data in this release are subject to revision based on updates to the seasonally adjusted series whenever new monthly data are added. In addition, it should be noted that larger revisions can occur when the most recent Labour Force Survey (LFS) data are included in the calculation process.

The Monthly Unemployment Estimates published today for February 2023 have incorporated the LFS benchmarks up to Q4 2022 for the monthly estimates up to December 2022 while the estimates for January and February 2023 have been forecasted.

Headline Table and Graph

Seasonally Adjusted Monthly Unemployment
 Number of persons unemployed Unemployment rate (%)
February 2022122,2004.6
January 2023118,1004.4
February 2023116,500 4.3
 Number Percentage points
Change in month-1,600-0.1
Change in year-5,700 -0.3
Figure 1: Seasonally Adjusted Monthly Unemployment Rate (ILO), February 2020 to February 2023


1a Seasonally adjusted monthly unemployment by sex - all persons aged 15-74 years

1b Seasonally adjusted monthly unemployment by sex - persons aged 15-24 years

1c Seasonally adjusted monthly unemployment by sex - persons aged 25-74 years

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