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Livestock Slaughterings August 2024

The number of Sheep slaughtered decreased by 7.4% from January to August 2024 when compared with the same period in 2023

Online ISSN: 2009-5651
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Key Findings

  • Between January and August 2024, Cattle slaughterings increased by 0.6% when compared with the same period in 2023.

  • In the first eight months of the year, Sheep slaughterings decreased by 7.4% on the same period in 2023.

  • The number of Pigs slaughtered from January to August 2024 rose by 0.3% when compared with the same eight months in 2023.

  • An analysis of the data for August 2024 compared with August 2023 shows that Cattle slaughterings fell by 6.7%.

  • The number of Sheep slaughtered contracted by 3.1% in August 2024 when compared with the same month in 2023.

  • Pig slaughterings declined by 1.6% in August 2024 when compared with August 2023. 

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (27 September 2024) released Livestock Slaughterings August 2024.

Commenting on the release, Mairead Griffin, Statistician in the Agriculture Accounts & Production Section, said: "Cattle slaughterings dropped by 6.7% to approximately 151,000 heads in August 2024 when compared with August 2023. During the same period, the number of Sheep slaughtered decreased by 3.1% to 273,000 heads, while Pig slaughterings fell by 1.6% to 283,000 heads.

Further analysis of the data shows that between January and August 2024, Cattle slaughterings grew by 0.6% to approximately 1.2m heads while the number of Sheep slaughtered contracted by 7.4% to more than 1.9m heads. Pig slaughterings increased by 0.3% to approximately 2.2m heads over the same eight-month period." 

Main Results

Table 1.1: Livestock Slaughterings - August 2024
'000 heads
Aug 2023162.1281.8287.9
Aug 2024151.3272.9283.3
 % change
Aug 2024/2023-6.7%-3.1%-1.6%
Jan-Aug 2024/20230.6%-7.4%0.3%

Year-to-Date findings: January 2024 to August 2024

Cattle slaughterings in the eight months to August 2024 are estimated to be approximately 1.2m heads, an increase of more than 7,000 heads (+0.6%) when compared with the same period in 2023.

During the same period in 2024, Sheep slaughterings declined by almost 153,000 heads (-7.4%) to more than 1.9m heads when compared with the same eight months in 2023.

Pig slaughterings are estimated to be approximately 2.2m heads for January to August 2024, an increase of more than 7,000 heads (+0.3%) on the same period in 2023.

X-axis label202220232024

Monthly findings: August 2024

The number of Cattle slaughtered in August 2024 dropped by almost 11,000 heads (-6.7%) to more than 151,000 heads when compared with August 2023.

Sheep slaughterings in August 2024 were approximately 273,000 heads, down by nearly 9,000 heads (-3.1%) when compared with the same month in 2023.

The number of Pigs slaughtered in August 2024 decreased by approximately 5,000 heads (-1.6%) to more than 283,000 heads when compared with August 2023. 

X-axis labelCattleSheepPigs
Jan 2023153.475252.711296.318
Feb 2023156.219222.126255.189
Mar 2023165.328286.653298.182
Apr 2023134.284249.349250.594
May 2023153.832250.324288.265
Jun 2023148.922275.714274.184
Jul 2023144.298248.769261.821
Aug 2023162.138281.767287.852
Sep 2023152.644273.86264.895
Oct 2023174.86277.641271.642
Nov 2023181.631293.386307.246
Dec 2023142.859256.257255.717
Jan 2024166.064259.978298.046
Feb 2024164.074217.306264.223
Mar 2024153.142272.044273.695
Apr 2024154.999200.531273.19
May 2024150.902213.819285.494
Jun 2024127.618221.671244.357
JuL 2024157.588256.231297.299
Aug 2024151.256272.938283.34
Table 1.2: Livestock Slaughterings August 2024

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