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Persons not in the Labour Force

LFS estimates were updated on 22nd Feb 2024 to incorporate updated population estimates for the period 2016 Q3 to 2023 Q3, based on the results of Census 2022. LFS results are updated in this way following each Census of Population. For further information see Background Notes.
The data in this publication does not reflect these updates. Please refer to the relevant tables on LFS Px-stat for updated LFS estimates.

Persons not in the Labour Force

In Q2 2023 there were 78,100 persons available for work but not seeking work, this is up from 66,200 a year earlier and down from the 154,800 recorded in Q2 2021

Online ISSN: 2565-5728
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

The number of persons not in the labour force in Q2 2023 was 1,445,800 which was up 1.5% or 21,000 from a year earlier. See Table 7.1.

Persons aged 15 years or over are classified as not being in the Labour Force (Inactive) if they do not satisfy the ILO criteria for being classified as Employed or Unemployed – see Background Notes.

The Potential Additional Labour Force (PALF) is the sum of the two groups ‘Seeking work but not immediately available’ and ‘Available for work but not seeking work’. Persons in the PALF are not part of the standard labour force, which encompasses only Employed and Unemployed people, but they have a stronger attachment to the labour market than other persons not in the labour force.

The Potential Additional Labour Force for Q2 2023 was 99,200, which was made up of 78,100 persons Available but not seeking work and 21,200 persons Seeking but not immediately available for work. The total PALF of 99,200 is up from 84,400 in Q2 2022 and down from 178,200 in Q2 2021. See Table 7.1.

Q2 2021Q2 2022Q2 2023
Available for work but not seeking work154.866.278.1
Seeking work but not immediately available23.418.321.2

Of those who stated that they wanted to work but were not seeking work or available for work in Q2 2023, 28.9% said this was due to education or training. This compares to 23.9% a year earlier and 23.8% in Q2 2021.  Persons not seeking work due to own illness or disability accounted for 32.4% of the total in Q2 2023, down from 35.4% in Q2 2022 and up from 28.4% in Q2 2021.

Q2 2020Q2 2021Q2 2022Q2 2023
Other reasons17.521.413.111.6
Care responsibilities/personal family reasons30.126.427.627
Own illness or disability34,128.435.432.4
Education or training18.323.823.928.9

Additional data on Potential Labour Supply with explanatory notes are available in QLF30.

Table 7.1 Detailed breakdown of classification of persons aged 15 years or more not in the Labour Force, Q2 2020 to Q2 2023