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Key Findings

In 2022 €110 billion of taxes were collected, 17% higher than 2021

Online ISSN: 2565-5590
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Key Findings

  • General government taxes, including social contributions, are now in excess of €100 billion and have doubled compared with 10 years ago. These receipts make up almost 95% of all general government revenue.

  • In 2022, more than half (51%) of taxes came from direct taxes. This included income taxes amounting to €31 billion and corporation tax of almost €23 billion.

  • In the last three years, corporation tax receipts have almost doubled from €12 billion in 2020 to €23 billion in 2022.

  • Taxes on products accounted for 26% of taxes, including VAT of €19 billion and excise duties of €6 billion.

  • VAT increased by 16% in 2022 compared with 2021.

  • PRSI receipts were €14 billion in 2022, up 19% on 2021.

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (22 November 2023) released Irish Tax Statistics 2022

Commenting on the release, Elaine O'Sullivan, Statistician in the Government Accounts Division, said: “Today’s release shows a strong growth in tax receipts and PRSI, building on the post-COVID recovery observed last year. The data shows a large increase in tax receipts in 2022. Total tax revenues for Ireland were €110 billion in 2022. This is an increase of 17% or €16.3 billion on 2021 total tax revenue receipts. For comparison the cash-based Exchequer data showed €83 billion in 2022, but note that this does not include PRSI.

Continued growth in tax revenues

General government taxes have increased significantly and in 2022 are double the levels seen ten years ago. Much of this growth has been in more recent years.

Taxes by category

Almost half of all tax receipts are from direct taxes on income; the largest taxes in this area are PAYE and corporation tax. As noted above, total taxes increased by €16 billion in 2022 and taxes on income were €10 billion of this. 

There were strong revenues for taxes on products which includes VAT and excise duties. VAT receipts increased by 17% in 2022 resulting in a contribution to revenue of €19 billion.

Technical information

This release is based on the National Tax List (NTL) compiled by the CSO and transmitted to Eurostat. The NTL is part of the national accounts framework (European System of Accounts 2010) where taxes are compiled on a general government accrual basis. In simple terms this takes the cash-based Revenue Commissioners’ data and adjusts the timing of receipts to align with the time of activity. The data also covers a broader range of tax receipts such as Local Property Tax and local authority commercial rates.

Table 1.1 - Tax receipts by category, €billion