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Culture and Travel

Online ISSN: 2990-8825
CSO statistical publication, , 11am


In previous years, respondents were asked about their use of both ‘collaborative/sharing economy’ and 'non-collaborative economy' in the arranging of transport, accommodation, and other services online.

The ‘collaborative/sharing economy’, is based on shared resources, like a room, a service, reselling, a skill, or a car, between individuals and facilitated by the internet, in its majority practice as a temporary exchange. Examples of these practices are Airbnb, CouchSurfing, RoomShare, BlaBla Car, Hailo, LiftShare, etc.

‘Non-collaborative economy' involves the arranging of accommodation, transport, or other services on a digital platform from a commercial enterprise such as a hotel, travel agency, etc. rather than from a private provider.

In 2024, respondents were asked only about their use of the ‘non-collaborative economy’.

Two-thirds of internet users arranged transport online

Key findings of internet users who used the internet in the previous three months:

  • At an overall level, two thirds (66%) of internet users arranged transport online on a digital platform online from a transport enterprise (local bus, train, flight ticket, taxi ride, etc.). This also includes short-term rentals of vehicles or bikes and transport tickets bought from tour operators together with a holiday package.
  • Over half (51%) had booked accommodation online with hotel, travel agent, booking website or app such as trivago,, etc. Holiday accommodation bought from tour operator are also included.
  • There was only a marginal difference between males and females booking accommodation online – 51% of males compared with 50% of females.
  • Females were far more likely however to book transport online – 68% of females compared with 64% of males. See Figure 4.1 and Table 4.1.
Figure 4.1 Individuals aged 16 years and over who purchased travel/culture related services online by type of purchase and sex, 2024

© Central Statistics Office, Ireland

Table 4.1 Individuals aged 16 years and over who purchased travel/culture related services online, 2024

Younger persons far more likely to buy tickets to events online

Respondents were also asked about their use of the internet to purchase tickets to all kinds of events and activities including tickets to concerts, sporting events, fairs, cinema, museums, etc. Note that in previous years, tickets to sports events was asked separately. Data for this online activity in 2024 is not comparable with previous years because prior to 2024, the questionnaire distinguished between tickets to sports events and tickets to cultural or other events such as cinema, concerts, fairs, etc. 

Key findings of internet users who used the internet in the previous three months:

  • Females were more likely than males to purchase tickets to online purchase of tickets to concerts, cultural or other events – 63% of females compared with 56% of males.
  • Nearly seven in ten (69%) younger internet users bought tickets online to events compared with just over one third (35%) of older persons aged 75 years and over. See Figure 4.2 and Table 4.1.
Figure 4.2 Individuals aged 16 years and over who purchased travel/culture related services online by type of purchase and age, 2024

© Central Statistics Office, Ireland
