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Use of Robots

Use of Robots

Online ISSN: 2009-5791
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

The Survey on e-Commerce and ICT 2022 included new questions regarding the use of robots. An industrial robot is an automatic, programmable manipulator that is used to complete a task. This does not include devices that are directly controlled by an operator (e.g. 3D printers).

Service robots are devices that use wheels or legs to operate with a degree of independence in complex and dynamic environments. These robots may interact with people, objects, or other devices and are frequently used for inspection, transport, or maintenance (e.g. self-guided vehicles).

One in five large enterprises used robots

One in five (20%) large enterprises reported using some type of robot (either industrial or service) compared with 8% of medium enterprises and 2% of small enterprises.

Figure 6.1: Percentage of enterprises using robots, by size class, 2022
Table 6.1 Percentage of enterprises using robots, by size class, 2022

High precision most common reason for using robots

Of enterprises that used robots, the most common reasons for their use were to ensure high precision of goods and services produced (71%), to enhance workplace safety (58%), to expand range of goods and services (33%), because of high labour costs (31%), personnel recruitment difficulties (18%), and tax incentives (12%).


Figure 6.2: Percentage of enterprises using robots, by reason, 2022
Table 6.2 Percentage of enterprises using robots, by reason, 2022