The 2022 results show that almost all enterprises (97%) were using broadband in their business. This is true regardless of the size of the enterprise as 96% of small enterprises (10 to 49 persons engaged), 100% of medium enterprises (50 to 249 persons engaged), and 99% of large enterprises (250 or more persons engaged) were using broadband in 2022.
More than eight in ten (81%) enterprises were using a mobile broadband connection. Large enterprises (94%) had the highest proportion using a mobile broadband connection followed by medium (90%), then small enterprises (79%).
In 2022, almost two-thirds (64%) of enterprises conducted remote meetings. Almost all large enterprises (97%) were conducting remote meetings, followed by 90% of medium enterprises and 58% of small enterprises.
Of those enterprises conducting remote meetings, 71% had security guidelines for remote meetings (e.g., password protection) and 40% favoured remote over in-person meetings.
Almost all (97%) large enterprises had remote access to email and business software, with 93% having remote access to documents. For medium enterprises, 95% had remote access to business software, 93% to email, and 84% had remote access to documents. Amongst small enterprises, 78% had remote access to business software, 74% had remote access to email, and 58% had remote access to documents.
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