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Irish Industrial Production by Sector 2021

Food, Chemical and Pharmaceutical sectors account for 74% of Net Selling Value

Online ISSN: 2009-8677
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Key Findings

  • Food, Chemical, and Pharmaceuticals accounted for 74% of all production in Ireland in 2021.  

  • These three sectors had an aggregate Net Selling Value (NSV) of €98.3 billion, while the remaining sectors reported a value of €34.8 billion.

  • The total value of products manufactured in Ireland in 2021 was €133.2 billion.

  • The Pharmaceutical sector reported the highest NSV of €58.1 billion in 2021.

  • The Top 10 industrial enterprises accounted for 49.2% of all production in Ireland in 2021.

  • The Top 50 industrial enterprises in Ireland represented 73.5% of the overall NSV with a value of €97.9 billion.

Statistician's Comment

Commenting on the release, Eamonn Cleary, Statistician in the Business Statistics Division, said: "The value of products produced in Ireland increased by 4.7% to €133.2bn in 2021. However, it is worth noting that this was 1.1% less than the €134.6bn which was produced in 2019, the last full calendar year before any restrictions arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic were introduced.

The Food, Chemical and Pharmaceutical sectors combined accounted for almost three-quarters (73.8%) of all industrial production activity in Ireland in 2021.

There were 4,970 industrial enterprises included in the PRODCOM survey in 2021, yet the 10 largest industrial enterprises collectively accounted for almost half (49.2%) of the value of all products produced.

Production of Pharmaceutical products in Ireland doubled in value from €29.0bn to €58.1bn over the eight-year period 2013 to 2021."

Tables and Graphs

Largest sectors by Net Selling Value, 2021
 €'000 %
Food Products25,196,90318.9%
Chemicals & Chemical Products15,071,48111.3%
Basic Pharmaceutical Products & Preparations58,069,43943.6%
Total NSV133,160,198100.0%

Basic Pharmaceutical Products & Preparations (€58.1 billion) accounted for the largest proportion of NSV in 2021 at 43.6%. This was followed by Food Products (€25.2 billion) at 18.9% of NSV and Chemicals & Chemical Products with an NSV of €15.1 billion (11.3%). See Figure 1 and Headline table.

Paper & Paper Products accounted for the largest annual decrease (-30.2%) in NSV, followed closely by Chemicals & Chemical Products (-25.9%). The largest increases in domestic NSV were recorded in Other sectors (41.5%), Rubber & Plastic Products (38.1%) and Wood & Wood Products, Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products, Furniture (29.0%). See Figure 2 and Table 1.

For long labels below use
to display on multiple lines
X-axis label2020 - 2021
Other (12,32,33)41.4717104426041
Rubber & Plastic Products (22)38.1140324350478
Wood & Wood Products, Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products, Furniture (16,23,31)29.0334501079911
Transport Equipment (29,30)21.4213996703132
Food Products (10)14.4920180394349
Basic Pharmaceutical Products & Preparations (21)9.55524329818991
Basic Metals & Fabricated Metal Products, Machinery & Equipment (24,25,28)3.53660113890411
Textiles, Wearing Apparel, Leather & Related Products (13,14,15)-1.52452683587055
Mining & Quarrying (05,06,07,08,09)-8.25309177200748
Beverages (11)-8.33663746936118
Computer, Electronic, Optical & Electrical Equipment (26,27)-14.0686121097479
Chemicals & Chemical Products (20)-25.9266163649525
Paper & Paper Products (17,18)-30.2326592179806

In 2021, the value of Food Products and Beverages combined was €27.4 billion and represented a 19.2% share of total NSV. These sectors had an NSV of €25.8 billion in 2020 and accounted for 20.6% of total NSV, up from 19.2% in 2019, when NSV was valued at €24.4 billion. See Figure 3 and Table 2.

Mining & Quarrying (05,06,07,08,09)
Food Products (10)17.117.318.9
Beverages (11)21.91.7
Textiles, Wearing Apparel, Leather & Related Products (13,14,15)
Paper & Paper Products (17,18)
Chemicals & Chemical Products (20)15.91611.3
Basic Pharmaceutical Products & Preparations (21)4041.743.6
Rubber & Plastic Products (22)10.91.2
Basic Metals & Fabricated Metal Products, Machinery & Equipment (24,25,28)
Computer, Electronic, Optical & Electrical Equipment (26,27)
Wood & Wood Products, Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products, Furniture (16,23,31)
Transport Equipment (29,30)
Other (12,32,33)

Production of Pharmaceutical products in Ireland doubled in value from €29.0bn to €58.1bn over the eight-year period 2013 to 2021. See Figure 4 and Table 3.

Food Products (10)Chemicals & Chemical Products (20)Basic Pharmaceutical Products & Preparations (21)

The Top 10 industrial enterprises accounted for 49.2% of all production in Ireland in 2021. These 10 enterprises had an aggregate Net Selling Value (NSV) of €65.5 billion, while the remaining 3,257 industrial enterprises reported €67.7 billion.

The Top 50 industrial enterprises in Ireland represented 73.5% of the overall NSV with a value of €97.9 billion. This highlights that the Manufacturing sector in Ireland is heavily reliant on a very small number of enterprises. See Figures 5a & 5b and Table 4.

For long labels below use
to display on multiple lines
Top 1049.2
For long labels below use
to display on multiple lines
Top 5073.5
Table 1 Total Net Selling Value of production by sector, 2019 - 2021

Table 2 Percentage breakdown of production by sector, 2019 - 2021

Table 3 Total Net Selling Value of production in selected sectors, 2013 - 2021

Table 4 Net Selling Value 2021 - Top 10 and Top 50 enterprises

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