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Accounts with the UK and US

Accounts with the UK and the US

Current Account Balances with UK and US both show deficits for Quarter 4 2024

Online ISSN: 2565-6384
CSO statistical release, , 11am

Current account with UK shows a deficit of €5bn in Quarter 4 2024

MerchandiseServicesIncomeCurrent Account
Q3 2022-2.3694.39-4.315-2.295
Q4 2022-2.2094.372-6.512-4.147
Q1 2023-2.2093.862-5.656-4.003
Q2 2023-1.3133.64-7.649-5.323
Q3 2023-1.8894.548-7.221-4.562
Q4 2023-2.214.704-7.086-4.592
Q1 2024-0.993.269-6.8-4.521
Q2 2024-1.4153.982-9.538-6.971
Q3 2024-1.785.658-9.071-5.194
Q4 2024-1.8395.278-8.829-5.389

Current account with UK (See Table 3.1)

  • Merchandise exports were €6,551m in the fourth quarter of 2024, an increase of €124m compared with the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • Merchandise imports were €8,390m in the fourth quarter of 2024, a decrease of €247m compared with the same period in 2023.
  • Services exports at €14,391m increased by €1,803m compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, mainly due to computer services exports.
  • Services imports at €9,113m were up €1,229m over that same period in 2023, these figures were affected by increased levels of financial and business services imports.
  • Investment income earned in UK at €11,133m, decreased by €154m compared with one year earlier and investment income payable to UK investors at €19,923m increased by €1,660m.
  • When these effects are combined, the trade balance with the UK has increased by €944m and net income outflows have increased by €1,743m, compared with the fourth quarter of 2023. The result is a deficit of €5,389m in the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to a deficit of €4,592m in the same period in 2023.

The experimental table on foreign direct investment with UK (See Table 3.2); shows that direct investment in Ireland from the UK has increased by €990m in the fourth quarter of 2024 mainly due to an increase in reinvested earnings. Direct investment abroad from Ireland to the UK has increased by €250m in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Table 3.1 Current Account with the UK

Table 3.2 Foreign Direct Investment with the UK

Current account with US shows deficit of €54.1bn in Quarter 4 2024

MerchandiseServicesIncomeCurrent Account

Current account with US (See Table 3.3)

  • Merchandise exports were €20,817m in the fourth quarter of 2024, an increase of €9,947m compared with the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • Merchandise imports were €2,843m in the fourth quarter of 2024, a decrease of €2,292m compared with the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • Services exports at €16,965m increased by €2,484m compared to the fourth quarter of 2023.
  • Services imports at €64,588m were up €10,112m over that same period in 2023.
  • Investment income earned in the US at €21,749m, increased by €2,362m compared with one year earlier while investment income payable to US investors at €46,214m increased by €14,368m.
  • When these effects are combined, the trade balance with the US has increased by €4,611m and net income outflows have increased by €11,996m, compared with the fourth quarter of 2023. The result is a current account balance deficit of €54,046m in the fourth quarter of 2024, down from a deficit of €46,671m in the fourth quarter of 2023.

These tables showing the Current Account with the US annually and quarterly follow on from our note on Ireland’s Current Account with the US.

Table 3.3 Current Account with US - Annual

Table 3.4 Current Account with US - Quarterly