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International Investment Position

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Net IIP liability of €555 billion at end-June 2019

Table 5.1 International Investment Position€ billion
 31 Mar 201930 Jun 2019
General Government24.7153.5-128.824.3152.8-128.6
Monetary Authority49.920.029.955.018.936.1
Monetary Financial Institutions833.3784.448.9841.4788.253.2
Other Financial Intermediaries3,499.03,494.14.93,514.33,495.119.2
Non-Financial Companies781.51,268.2-486.8767.51,302.1-534.7
Total 5,188.45,720.3-531.95,202.35,757.0-554.7

At 30th June 2019, Ireland's quarterly international investment position ((IIP) results show overall stocks of foreign financial assets of €5,202bn - an increase of €14bn on the end-March 2019 level, while the corresponding stocks of foreign financial liabilities increased by €37bn to €5,757bn over the quarter. Irish residents had an overall net foreign liability of €555bn at end-June 2019, an increase of €23bn in the net foreign liability level at end-March 2019 - see Table 5.2.

NET IIP (% of GDP)

Some points of note in Quarter 2 2019 IIP are:

  • Direct investment abroad decreased by €38bn to €837bn.
  • Equity capital (including reinvested earnings) increased €26.3bn while other capital decreased €64.1bn – see Table 5.5.
  • Foreign assets of other financial intermediaries increased by €15bn. With foreign liabilities increasing by €1bn, the resulting net increased to €19bn  - see Table 5.3.
  • Foreign assets of the monetary authority increased by €5.1bn while foreign liabilities decreased by €1.2bn. The resulting net increased to €36bn  - see Table 5.3.
X-axis labelDirect InvestmentPortfolio InvestmentOther InvestmentReserve AssetsNet IIP
Q3 2017 -17.1-463.1-43.43.6-520
Q4 2017-59.3-45413.53.7-496.1
Q1 2018-68-417.2-22.63.7-504

Figure 5.2 shows the net IIP over time along with the contribution of each instrument type to it.

  • Net portfolio investment fell €40bn to -€458bn.
  • Net other investment rose €15bn to -€55bn.
  • Reserve assets grew €40m to €4.8bn.
X-axis labelGeneral GovernmentMonetary Financial InstitutionsOther Financial IntermediariesNon-Financial Companies
30 Sep 2018655494975708
31 Dec 2018671492894688
31 Mar 20197364931000735
30 Jun 20197215101018736

For Portfolio Investment assets, equity and debt securities, the sector of the non-resident issuer is collected. Analysing this data shows that Irish residents hold debt as follows:

  • €721bn issued by foreign governments.
  • €510bn issued by foreign monetary financial institutions (including money market investment funds).
  • €1018bn issued by foreign other financial intermediaries (including non-money market investment funds).
  • €736bn issued by foreign non-financial companies.
X-axis labelDirect InvestmentOther SectorsMonetary Financial InstitutionsMonetary AuthorityGeneral Government

Gross External Debt stands at €2.4 trillion at end-June 2019

At 30th June 2019, the gross external debt of all resident sectors (i.e. general government, the monetary authority, financial and non-financial corporations and households) amounted to €2,387bn.

This represents an increase of €58bn in the stock of financial liabilities to non-residents (other than those arising from issues of Irish equities and derivatives contracts) compared to the level shown at 31st March 2019 (€2,329bn) - see Table 5.9.

Points of note are:

  • General government foreign borrowing fell by €0.7bn to €153bn at end-June 2019.
  • Liabilities of the monetary authority decreased €1.2bn to €18.9bn. These liabilities are to the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and include balances in the TARGET2 settlement system of the ESCB.
  • Debt liabilities of monetary financial institutions (credit institutions and money market funds) fell €7.5bn to €259.3bn.
  • The liabilities of other sectors at €1,338bn increased €20bn on the previous quarter. This was made up of a fall in short-term debt of €4bn and a rise in long-term debt of €24bn.
  • Direct investment liabilities increased by €48bn to €618bn in the quarter.
  • The net external debt position was €1,177bn at end-June 2019, i.e. assets exceeded liabilities - see Table 5.10.

Gross external debt represents the stock of Ireland's liabilities to non-residents other than equity and financial derivatives.

Table 5.2 International Investment Position (IIP) classified by Financial Instrument

Table 5.3 International Investment Position (IIP) classified by Institutional Sector

Table 5.4 International Investment Position (IIP) - IFSC and non-IFSC activity by Institutional Sector

Table 5.5 International Investment Position (IIP) - Detailed Data

Table 5.6 International Investment Position (IIP) - Detailed Data

Table 5.7 International Investment Position (IIP) showing IFSC and non-IFSC activity

Table 5.8 International Investment Position (IIP) - 30th June 2019 - Reconciliation of IIP and BOP Flows

Table 5.9 Gross External Debt

Table 5.10 - Debt Instrument Financial Assets

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