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Accounts with the UK

Accounts with the UK

Current account with UK shows a deficit of €0.9bn in Quarter 1 2024

Online ISSN: 2565-6384
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
MerchandiseServicesIncomeCurrent Account
Q4 2021-1.0835.053-3.4520.52
Q1 2022-1.5083.352-4.025-2.18
Q2 2022-1.5734.289-5.268-2.552
Q3 2022-5.7484.053-4.13-5.824
Q4 2022-2.364.176-6.056-4.24
Q1 2023-1.483.65-6.484-4.315
Q2 2023-1.2753.962-6.631-3.945
Q3 2023-1.854.411-7.569-5.006
Q4 2023-2.2734.627-8.088-5.735
Q1 2024-0.993.182-3.112-0.919

Current account with UK (See Table 3.1)

  • Merchandise exports were €7,086m in the first quarter of 2024, a decrease of €387m compared with the first quarter of 2023.
  • Merchandise imports were €8,076m in the first quarter of 2024, a decrease of €877m compared with the same period in 2023.
  • Services exports at €11,550m increased by €1,348m compared to the first quarter of 2023, mainly due to both computer and financial services exports.
  • Services imports at €8,368m were up €1,816m over that same period in 2023, these figures were affected by increased levels of business and financial services costs.
  • Investment income earned in UK at €11,182m, increased by €2,936m compared with one year earlier and investment income payable to UK investors at €14,309m decreased by €445m.
  • When these effects are combined, the trade balance with the UK has increased by €24m and net income outflows have decreased by €3,372m, compared with the first quarter of 2023. The result is a deficit of €919m in the first quarter of 2024, compared to -€4,315m over the same period in 2023.

The experimental table on foreign direct investment with UK (See Table 3.2); shows that direct investment in Ireland from the UK has decreased by €582m in the first quarter of 2024 mainly due to a decrease in other capital. Direct investment abroad from Ireland to the UK has also decreased by €118m in the first quarter of 2024.

Table 3.1 Current Account with the UK

Table 3.2 Foreign Direct Investment with the UK