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The Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) 2018 was published on 30 January 2020. Data within the publication were revised on 4th June 2020. These data revisions were due to the re-calibration of weights used in the estimation of HFCS statistics. Data within the publication were revised again on 16 May 2023. These data revisions were primarily due to the supplementing of survey data with the Central Credit Register, an administrative data source obtained by the CSO in 2021. All content relating to HFCS 2018, including the Electronic Publication text, graphs and tables, Infographic, Press Release and PxStat tables, now reflect the revised data.  Details as to the extent and impact of these revisions on previously published data can be found in the HFCS 2018 Revisions Information Note.

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The income data in the HFCS can be compared to the income collected in the SILC, (Survey on Income and Living Conditions), an annual household survey conducted by the CSO.

The SILC is the official source of income for households and individuals and also provides several key national poverty indicators, such as the at risk of poverty rate, the consistent poverty rate and rates of enforced deprivation.

The mean annual gross household income value as measured in the HFCS was slightly lower than the comparable SILC estimate (0.7%). The median annual gross income as measured in the HFCS was slightly higher than SILC with a 2.1% difference (see Table 6.1).

Table 6.1 Comparison of HFCS and SILC income1
HFCS gross household income (€)63,71247,661
SILC gross household income (€)64,13346,678
Difference (%)0.72.1
1 The data on this table was updated on 16/05/2023. Please see information note for details.