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Financial Accounts

Financial Accounts

Online ISSN: 2009-6178
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Financing the deficit - general government debt at €224.8 billion at end of Q4 2022

Gross general government debt decreased by €11.5 billion in the quarter to €224.8 billion. This was accounted for almost entirely by the movement in debt securities (redemptions of €5.4 billion in short term and €6.0 billion in long term securities). There were minor changes in the other debt categories with currency and deposits rising by €75 million and loans falling by €148 million. The debt to GDP ratio stood at 44.7% at the end of the fourth quarter.

EDP debt instrument assets decreased by €9.9 billion in the quarter which, when combined with the larger fall in debt liabilities, resulted in net general government debt decreasing by €1.6 billion (Tables 3.1 & 3.2). The fall in assets is due to a decrease in currency and deposits of €10.1 billion combined with a small increase in securities of €263 million.


Currency & DepositsLong term loansShort term loansLong term debt securitiesShort term debt securities
Q1 202022.5470.9134.68.6
Q2 202022.946.80.9137.717.4
Q3 202023.346.60.5141.115.7
Q4 202023.746.20.5138.19.3
Q1 202124.348.30.9144.912.1
Q2 202124.748.30.7151.29.7
Q3 202124.948.40.5153.69
Q4 202125.148.60.4156.45.6
Q1 202225.448.90.8153.27
Q2 202225.648.90.61547.7
Q3 202225.8490.51556.1
Q4 202225.948.90.4148.90.712

Figure 3.1 above shows that the composition of general government debt remains relatively stable over time. In Q4 2022 securities accounted for over 66% of the total - long term securities made up almost all of the total, with short term securities accounting for less than 1%.

Movements of note in the balance sheet, Q4 2022

The market value of the State's assets in Equity and Investment Fund Shares (AF.5, Tables 3.5 & 3.6) remained steady over the fourth quarter of 2022, holding at €34.0 billion. This net neutral change was composed of two offsetting movements – a reduction in holdings of these assets of €0.7 billion (AF.5, Tables 3.3 & 3.4), together with unrealised holding gains, also of €0.7 billion. The reduction in equity holdings during the quarter is due to a further sale of shares held by the State in AIB, which amounted to €515 million. This sell-off resulted in proceeds to the Exchequer of €396.7 million in the quarter.

Net investment into small savings schemes, predominantly by households, continued during the fourth quarter of 2022 as the State’s liability from these schemes grew by a further €75 million. This represents a quarter-on-quarter drop of €120 million in the level of quarterly investment into such schemes. The level of Investment into State savings schemes, over a quarter, peaked in Q1 2021 at €552 million.

The market value of total liabilities (AF.L, Table 3.6) fell by €14.4 billion during Q4 2022. This was dominated by a drop in the market value of AF.3 - Debt Securities of €14.8 billion, which was largely explained by downward market price changes of €2.3 billion, with the residual movement due to net repayment of €12.5 billion (AF.5, Table 3.4).

Table 3.1 General Government Gross and Net Debt 2019-2020

Table 3.2 General Government Gross and Net Debt 2021-2022

Table 3.3 General Government Financial Transactions 2019-2020

Table 3.4 General Government Financial Transactions 2021-2022

Table 3.5 General Government: detailed breakdown of net worth 2019-2020

Table 3.6 General Government: detailed breakdown of net worth 2021-2022

Table 3.7 Government Finance Statistics 2019-2020

Table 3.8 Government Finance Statistics Quarter 4 2021-2022

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