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Goods Exports and Imports December 2023

Goods exports and imports decreased in 2023

Online ISSN: 2009-5155
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Key Findings

  • The first estimates for the year 2023 show that exports were valued at €197 billion, a decrease of 6% when compared with 2022.

  • Imports of goods were €140 billion, a fall of 1%, or €1.5 billion compared with 2022.

  • Unadjusted goods exports were €13.9 billion in December 2023, down almost €1.4 billion on December 2022.

  • Unadjusted goods imports were €12 billion, which was over €600 million less than imports in December 2022.

  • Seasonally adjusted goods exports were €15.7 billion in December 2023, a decline of €90 million compared with the previous month.

  • Seasonally adjusted goods imports were €11.6 billion in December 2023, down €1.7 billion when compared with November 2023.

  • Exports to Great Britain were €17.6 billion in 2023, while imports from Great Britain were €21 billion.

  • Imports of Mineral Fuels, Lubricants & Related Products fell from €13 billion in 2022 to €10 billion in 2023.

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (15 February 2024) released Goods Exports and Imports December 2023.

Commenting on the release, Ciarán Counihan, Statistician in the International Trade in Goods Division said: “In 2023, Ireland’s exports of goods were €197 billion, a decrease of more than €11 billion when compared with 2022. Exports in 2023 were still more than €30 billion higher than in 2021.

Imports of goods in 2023 were more than €139 billion, €1.5 billion lower than the 2022 level, but almost €36 billion higher than in 2021.

The unadjusted exports for December 2023 were valued at €13.9 billion, a decrease of €1.4 billion on December 2022. Seasonally adjusted exports were €15.7 billion in December 2023.

In December 2023, unadjusted imports were valued at almost €12 billion. When seasonally adjusted, imports of goods fell by €1.7 billion when compared with November 2023.

Imports from Great Britain fell by 12% to €21 billion in 2023 when compared with 2022, and the largest drop was in the imports of Mineral Fuels, Lubricants & Related Materials which were down by 34%.

Exports to Great Britain grew by 2% to €17.6 billion in 2023 when compared with 2022, and the largest increase of 13% was in the export of Machinery & Transport Equipment.”

Headline Table

Table A Goods Exports and Imports seasonally adjusted €million
November 202315,80013,3462,455
December 202315,71011,6044,106
Value change-90-1,7411,651
% change-0.6-13.067.3

Seasonally adjusted goods trade imports decreased by €1.7 billion in December 2023

Seasonally adjusted goods exports fell by €90 million (-1%) to €15,710 million in December 2023 compared with November 2023, according to preliminary figures.

Seasonally adjusted goods imports decreased by €1,741 million (-13%) to €11,604 million leading to an increase of €1,651 million (+67%) in the seasonally adjusted trade surplus to €4,106 million in December 2023 compared with November 2023 (See Table 2). Seasonal adjustment compares month-to-month data by removing fluctuations that may occur due to seasonal patterns in trade.

Figure 1 Goods Exports and Imports December 2023 Seasonally Adjusted
Table 1 Goods Exports and Imports summary analysis

Table 2 Goods Exports and Imports seasonally adjusted series

Table B Share of Goods Exports and Imports by region€million
UnadjustedDecember 2022 - 2023 January - December 2022 - 2023
20222023Value change% change 20222023Value change% change
Total15,30413,933-1,371-9 208,763197,250-11,513-6
Great Britain1,194892-301-25 17,22317,6364132
Northern Ireland398375-23-6 4,9704,944-26-1
EU275,9955,190-805-13 80,54081,2677271
USA4,5044,347-157-3 63,21754,486-8,731-14
Rest of World3,2133,128-85-3 42,81338,916-3,897-9
Total12,60111,954-646-5 141,037139,510-1,527-1
Great Britain1,7261,205-520-30 23,97521,059-2,915-12
Northern Ireland610327-283-46 5,4265,228-199-4
EU274,5354,7221874 42,63048,0055,37513
USA1,8522,30845625 22,36122,8404792
 Rest of World3,8783,391-486-13 46,64542,377-4,267-9

Exports and imports by region

The (unadjusted) value of goods exports decreased by €1,371 million (-9%) to €13,933 million in December 2023 compared with December 2022. The value of goods exports for the year 2023 was down by €11,513 million (-6%) to €197,250 million, when compared with 2022.

The (unadjusted) value of goods imports decreased by €646 million (-5%) to €11,954 million in December 2023 compared with December 2022. The value of goods imports for 2023 decreased by €1,527 million (-1%) to €139,510 million, when compared with 2022.

Exports to Great Britain in December 2023 were €892 million, which was 6% of total exports. The products which accounted for the largest share of exports were Food & Live Animals with €282 million, and Machinery & Transport Equipment with €229 million.  Exports to Great Britain in 2023 increased by €413 million (+2%) to €17,636 million when compared with 2022.

Imports from Great Britain in December 2023 were €1,205 million, which was 10% of the total value of imports. Imports of Mineral Fuels, Lubricants & Related Materials were valued at €253 million, imports of Food & Live Animals were €220 million, and imports of Machinery & Transport Equipment accounted for €219 million. Imports from Great Britain in 2023 decreased by €2,915 million (-12%) to €21,059 million compared with 2022 (See Table 5).

The EU accounted for €5,190 million (37%) of total goods exports in December 2023, of which €1,686 million went to the Netherlands, €1,059 million went to Belgium and €989 million went to Germany.

The USA was the main non-EU destination accounting for €4,347 million (31%) of total exports in December 2023 (See Table 4).

X-axis labelEU 27Rest of WorldUKUS
Jan 20226.272840311536452.7967547111.75115700910175.244730516
Feb 20226.302663380545543.349213481.390271869441024.825347098
Mar 20227.031467947564044.001691383999991.833175113577367.400502251
Apr 20226.420026746059943.3606734591.937093786286225.490089082
May 20226.29837021940854.395322705999991.830222627515385.390377409
Jun 20226.347738183521543.8688538712.408873480092575.086599753
Jul 20226.2525396486543.338236853999991.570294844402193.745679746
Aug 20228.55059634679393.6237918051.926268495332775.286338789
Sep 20227.594419986750934.0854354171.849918090254055.904198153
Oct 20226.586961722230773.5914411432.080607897330655.306523683
Nov 20226.887169794156363.188474921999992.02301503327065.032571309
Dec 20225.994954273392763.1093138661.592051772429824.433765332
Jan 20237.001669297181932.925172203999991.72091647930193.849700567
Feb 20237.429784533624563.454123632000011.669879090181094.160032732
Mar 20237.227578069255563.767196381999992.124211416907955.6191061
Apr 20236.517811930494922.912263853000011.585515723780624.155685568
May 20236.935971102259513.533047375000022.062313590499224.093419028
Jun 20236.739189992991963.2383297142.748419068438185.694475768
Jul 20236.564237187538982.923797877000012.26225863957554.051062666
Aug 20236.161713038726213.1961612011.71550975872865.107306858
Sep 20237.089861433981382.9879625311.604116007012674.33656717
Oct 20237.607520992626033.4263675061.630511310122414.878499338
Nov 20236.801176747959353.4234254282.189141857489064.193145893
Dec 20235.190422053850863.128045741000011.267687212116194.347189361
X-axis labelEU 27Rest of WorldUKUS
Jan 20222.636749052373813.261108624172212.142449905937791.31652224622383
Feb 20222.791705099490762.905749117029111.93622724113291.43438147581768
Mar 20223.148272852630814.140741801417052.387880871994042.33093602471201
Apr 20223.508208805349953.475667000045362.425356178488811.87450129891659
May 20223.634311233442355.049745297346772.399138778672392.18781775376064
Jun 20223.705675607253474.644756992632322.600614882938341.87929043009657
Jul 20223.132875267037433.977678277043522.289539370001861.30211393590302
Aug 20223.224706554907284.422665966146232.717226476837282.10920545319726
Sep 20224.187917654413823.650206186022822.519287627358942.44974277170222
Oct 20224.106304015305253.424538515205853.177788655539391.79897633135657
Nov 20224.018269569102473.814202635110062.469854957869961.82583888094956
Dec 20224.535335228381453.879199344986452.354692981474921.80623668992089
Jan 20232.881285912095213.854848559967312.954041478629471.81484609051063
Feb 20233.710558781513353.234852581663752.527791499879611.68600377733813
Mar 20235.174182055765622.709812093703522.148942225065421.85297748577796
Apr 20233.643313535349813.463148688688282.291394741533171.41027558021653
May 20234.454287609423824.278917245800671.949384508687411.84648065909634
Jun 20235.011718309461673.425648370469592.160766013503012.07012732566615
Jul 20233.83192169052293.4891473902842.085018807702581.4407314433814
Aug 20233.034821207513973.189395409635432.281122593961321.38263483011316
Sep 20233.420987734147423.389081471913012.213390776221321.80989551469966
Oct 20233.515135199842573.623414115890951.971498680383943.03248267422309
Nov 20234.604517314560514.327916935742782.17156365332033.03248267422309
Dec 20234.722477281113353.39111379735551.532344778544012.30841168130048

Exports by product

Exports of Medical & Pharmaceutical Products increased by €497 million (+9%) to €5,817 million in December 2023 compared with December 2022. This represented 42% of total exports.

Exports of Organic Chemicals decreased by €1,293 million (-57%) to €985 million.

Exports of Professional, Scientific & Controlling Apparatus fell by €252 million (-26%) to €728 million. (See Table 3).

Figure 4 Exports by product 2022 - 2023

Imports by product

Imports of Mineral Fuels, Lubricants & Related Materials decreased by €289 million (-28%) to €753 million in December 2023 compared with December 2022.

Imports of Other transport equipment, including aircraft increased by €217 million (+8%) to €2,886 million.

Imports of Office Machines & Automatic Data Processing Machines fell by €139 million (-25%) to €423 million. (See Table 3).

Figure 5 Imports by product 2022 - 2023
Table 3 Goods Exports and Imports classified by commodity

Table 4 Goods Exports and Imports classified by country

Table 5 Goods Exports and Imports classified by commodity and principal countries

Table 6 Goods Exports by industrial origin and area of destination

Table 7 Goods Imports by main use and area of origin

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