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Land Rented in

• Almost 47,000 farms had land which was rented in and combined totalled 830,500 hectares.

• Of those farms that rented in land, half (53%) were Specialist Beef production and 20% were Specialist Dairying.

• Almost 15% of all farms rented in more than 50% of their total area farmed.

• There were 5,700 farms where 100% of the farm land was rented in.


• There were 117,300 hectares of woodland on farms in Ireland in 2016.


Gainful non-agricultural activity

• Over 16,400 farms reported that they also undertook gainful non-agricultural activity on the farm as a supplement to traditional farming, almost 60% of which were in the Southern and Eastern region

• Forestry was the principal activity with 8,000 farms engaged in this activity

• Almost 5000 farms engaged in agricultural contracting.

• Farm Tourism was undertaken by 1,200 farms as a supplementary activity.


Table 6.2 was updated on the 1st of March 2019 to correct farm type and Standard Output values.  

Table 6.1 Number of farms having land rented in and area rented in classified by proportion of land rented in each region 2016

Table 6.2 Number of farms having land rented in and area rented in classified by proportion of rented land,farm size (AAU), type of farm and economic size (SO) - 2016

Table 6.3 Number of farms having woodland and area of woodland classified by farmsize (AAU) in each region and county - 2016

Table 6.4 Number of farms reporting gainful non-agricultural activity on the farm and the type of activity undertaken in each region - 2016

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