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Foreign Direct Investment Annual 2021

Direct investment in Ireland increased by €109bn in 2021

Online ISSN: 2009-6747
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Key Findings

  • Foreign direct investment in Ireland increased by €109bn to €1,208bn in 2021.

  • Equity and reinvested earnings inflows of €123bn were offset by decreases in other capital investment of €14bn.

  • Irish investment abroad increased by €296bn to €1,288bn.

  • Investment in Europe increased by €181bn while investment in the US increased by €77bn.

  • The services sector remained the largest sector for inward investment to Ireland in 2021, at €736bn or 61% of total investment.

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) today (16 December 2022) released the Foreign Direct Investment Annual 2021.

Commenting on the release, Faris Bader, Statistician in the International Accounts Division said:

The increase in foreign direct investment in Ireland of €109bn to €1,208bn is largely attributed to increased investment from the US which was offset by decreased investment from other countries. This increase in investment is seen almost entirely in the services sector, predominantly in financial intermediation. Meanwhile, Irish foreign direct investment abroad increased by €296bn to €1,288bn, with investment in Europe increasing by €181bn and investment in the US increasing by €77bn. This increase is also seen almost entirely in the services sector, mainly with Europe.

Foreign Direct Investment Annual€ million
Flows - Abroad -42,76547,812
Flows - In Ireland 66,878-5,284
Positions - Abroad - end year 992,2461,288,480
Positions - In Ireland - end year 1,098,8881,208,216
Positions - Net - end year-106,64280,264
Net Income Flows-80,369-94,118
X-axis labelInwardOutward

Irish stocks of direct investment abroad increased to €1,288bn at the end of 2021 from a stock position of €992bn at the end of 2020.

The stock of direct investment abroad at the end of 2021 comprised of Equity Capital & Reinvested Earnings of €1396bn and the withdrawal of Other Capital of -€108bn. The decrease in Other Capital positions (-€53bn) was offset by an increase in Equity Capital & Reinvested Earnings (€349bn). The decrease in Other Capital positions was mostly attributable to the withdrawal of investment from Luxembourg and the Americas of €27bn and €10bn respectively. The increase in Equity Capital and Reinvested Earnings positions was attributed to increased investment in Europe of €210bn and in the Americas of €95bn. For the data breakdowns, see Table 3.

The stock of direct investment in Ireland increased between the end of 2020 and end of 2021 - from €1,099bn to €1,208bn. Increased investment from the US of €179bn was offset by a decrease in investment from Europe and offshore centres of €46bn and €79bn respectively - Table 4.

Ireland had net foreign assets of €80bn at the end of 2021, an increase of €187bn on the net foreign liability of €107bn at the end 2020.

X-axis labelUnited StatesOtherOffshore CentresUKLuxembourgSwitzerland
X-axis labelUnited StatesIrelandOtherOffshore CentresUnited KingdomFrance


Direct investment positions by immediate and ultimate investor

In line with International recommendations the geographic allocation of direct investment flows and stocks in Tables 1 to 9 is based on the country of location of the immediate owner of the direct investment enterprise. 

An alternative presentation of the stock of direct investment in Ireland by ultimate investor displays a different geographic pattern. Figure 2 presents the value of investment stock in Ireland by location of the immediate owner (of the direct investment enterprise).  Figure 3 presents the value of investment stock in Ireland by location of the ultimate investor. In 2021, the stock of investment from the US as ultimate investor at €913bn was €490bn greater than the stock of US investment presented by immediate owner (€423bn). This difference indicates that while a great deal of investment into Ireland comes directly from our European counter parts, this investment originates from enterprises located in the US.

Investment stock from Ireland as ultimate investor at €62bn primarily represents former US-based corporate inversion enterprises which are now located in Ireland (see figure 3).

For further analysis on FDI, that explores its impact on the Irish economy with respect to employment, wages and regional breakdowns, see the FDI in Ireland publication. This research publication also contains numerous statistics based on the location of the ultimate investor, pass-through FDI and round-tripping FDI.

Investment flows

Flows of direct investment into Ireland amounted to -€5bn in 2021: Reinvested earnings inflows of €47bn were offset by decreases in equity and other capital investment of €18bn and €34bn respectively. The total flows of FDI into Ireland were largely attributable to outflows to the US that amounted to €48bn, and which were offset by investments from Central America, Asia and Europe of €24bn, €7bn and €6bn respectively - see Table 2.

X-axis labelBelgiumUKOffshore CentresNetherlandsLuxembourgOther
X-axis labelTotalEuropeUS

Please note: The Inward FDI flow for US in year 2020 is suppressed due to confidentiality requirements. 

In 2015, the flow of direct investment into Ireland increased by €196bn mainly due to increased investment from Europe (€80bn) and the US (€76bn). This increase in 2015 pertains to the financing of intellectual property as well as the onshoring of other assets. In years 2020 and 2021, flows of direct investment into Ireland amounted to €67bn and -€5bn respectively. - see Table 2.

Direct investment abroad amounted to €48bn in 2021, compared to -€43bn in 2020. Reinvested earnings abroad and equity investments abroad of €19bn and €47bn were offset by a decrease in other capital investment abroad of €18bn. This decrease in other capital investment abroad was spread across geographical regions - see Table 1.

Sectoral breakdown

Investment abroad by enterprises located in Ireland is primarily in the services sector – an investment position of €1,033bn at the end of 2021 is up €256bn compared to the position at the end of 2020 (€777bn). The stock of services sector investment into the EU was €585bn (57% of total services sector investment). Investment abroad from the manufacturing sector amounted to €218bn, up €32bn on the position at the end of 2020 (€186bn) - see table 7.

The services sector is also the largest sector for inward investment - at the end of 2021, the investment position was €736bn, up €115bn from the position at the end of 2020 (€621bn). The investment position in financial intermediation increased from €225bn at end of 2020 to €317bn at end of 2021. Investment in administrative and support activities increased from €61bn in 2020 to €79bn in 2021. Investment in the manufacturing sector decreased by €6bn to a stock position of €470bn in the same period - see Table 8.


X-axis labelManufacturingServices
In Ireland470.195736.299

Direct investment income

Income outflows of foreign owned direct investment enterprises were €129bn in 2021, an increase of €26bn compared with 2020. Earnings of European owned companies were €55bn in 2021, down €12bn on the 2020 figure. Income earned abroad by investors located in Ireland was €35bn in 2021, up €12bn from 2020. The income earned abroad was predominantly from Luxembourg (€16bn), the US (€7bn), the Netherlands and the UK (€3bn & €3bn) - see Table 9.

Table 1 Direct Investment Flows Abroad Classified by Location of Investment

Table 2 Direct Investment Flows into Ireland Classified by Location of Investor

Table 3 Direct Investment Abroad End Year Positions Classified by Location of Investment

Table 4 Direct Investment in Ireland End Year Positions Classified by Location of Investor

Table 5 Direct Investment Flows Abroad Classified by Activity of Resident Investor

Table 6 Direct Investment Flows into Ireland Classified by Activity of Resident Enterprise

Table 7 Direct Investment Abroad End Year Positions Classified by Activity of Resident Investor

Table 8 Direct Investment in Ireland End Year Positions Classified by Activity of Resident Enterprise

Table 9 Direct Investment Income Flows Classified by Geographic Location of Creditor/Debtor

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