Foreign Direct Investment in Ireland 2020
Ireland: A Globalised Economy:
302% of FDI stocks/GDP in Ireland
79% in the EU
43% in the OECD
Round-Tripping Investment:
€57 billion
Pass-Through Investment:
23% of inward FDI
US and UK Investment:
€839 billion US FDI in Ireland
87,473 employees of Irish affiliates in the US
€15 billion UK FDI in Ireland
96,416 employees of Irish affiliates in the UK
Redomiciled PLCs:
€256 billion in turnover for all foreign affiliates
1,168,733 employees of all foreign affiliates
€129 billion in turnover for foreign affiliates of redomiciled PLCS
774,640 employees of foreign affiliates of redomiciled PLCS
€127 billion in turnover for foreign affiliates of Irish firms
394,093 employees of foreign affiliates of Irish firms