Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart
This is the fifth edition of Environmental Indicators Ireland, which is now published on an annual basis. The National Statistics Board (NSB) 2009-2014 Strategy for Statistics recommended that the CSO support the expansion of evidence-based policy-making by developing a set of indicators based around environmental data. The NSB requested that the selected indicators should be consistent with international statistical concepts and facilitate international comparison.
A total of 68 indicators covering ten domains have been selected for this publication. The indicators are updated from the 2019 report to show the most recent data available. In most cases, the same indicators are shown as were used in the 2019 report. Many of the indicators are presented in a time-series format for Ireland, while the international context is shown by comparing Ireland with other countries and world regions for the latest year for which data are available.
The environment area is wide-ranging and the ten domains cover the global context, environmental economy, air, greenhouse gases and climate change, water, land use, energy, transport, waste and biodiversity. This report attempts to bring together the most important indicators from these domains to facilitate easy access for users.
The CSO wishes to thank: BirdWatch Ireland; Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine; Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment; European Environment Agency; Environmental Protection Agency; Eurostat; Met Éireann; Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland; United Nations; and World Bank for providing data and technical advice on the most appropriate indicators for Ireland.
CSO statistical release, , 11am
Go to next chapter: Main Findings
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