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Education Level and Labour Force

Education Level and Labour Force

Online ISSN: 2811-6054
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Employment rates increase with education level

This chapter looks at the interaction between education level and the labour force. It will be seen that generally employment participation increases with level of education and that both males and females have higher participation in the labour force the higher their education level, with early school leavers having the worst employment rate.

Key findings for relationship between educational attainment and employment rates for those aged 25-64 in Q2 2023:

  • Employment rates increased as level of educational attainment increased, with this relationship evident in both sexes.
  • Over eight in ten (85%) females aged 25-64 years old with a third level qualification were employed, compared to three in ten (30%) females with a primary education only or no formal education.
  • Males aged 25-64 years old with a third level qualification had an employment rate of 92%, dropping to 49% for those with a primary education only or no formal education. See Figure 2.1 and Table 2.1.
Primary or below493041
Lower secondary735064
Higher secondary836675
Post leaving cert.897180
Third level928588
Table 2.1 Employment rates of persons aged 25-64, classified by sex and highest level of education attained, Q2 2020 - Q2 2023

Unemployment rates decrease with education level

  • Females with a third level education had an unemployment rate of 2% compared to 5% of females that attained a higher secondary level education only.
  • For men, 5% of those with a higher secondary level education only were unemployed, compared to 2% with a third level education. See Figure 2.2 and Table 2.2.
Primary or below978
Lower secondary534
Higher secondary555
Post leaving cert.343
Third level222
Table 2.2 Unemployment rates of persons aged 25-64, classified by sex and highest level of education attained, Q2 2020 - Q2 2023

Labour force participation rate

  • Females aged 25-64 years old with a third level qualification were almost three times as likely to be in the labour force (87%) compared to females with a primary education or below (32%).
  • Over nine in ten males (94%) with a third level qualification were in the labour force compared to just over half (54%) of males with a primary or no formal education. See Table 2.3.
Table 2.3 Labour force participation rates of persons aged 25-64, classified by sex and the highest level of education attained, Q2 2020 - Q2 2023

Early School Leavers – low number of early school leavers continues

Key findings for early school leavers aged 18-24:

  • In Q2 2023, only 4% of those aged 18-24 were defined as early school leavers (Early school leavers are persons aged 18 to 24 whose highest level of educational attainment is lower secondary or below and are not currently in education), a decrease from 13% in Q2 2006.
  • Females aged 18-24 years old were less likely than males to be classified as early school leavers (3% versus 4% respectively). See Figure 2.3 and Table 2.4.
Male Female Total
Table 2.4 Early school leavers as a percentage of persons aged 18-24, classified by sex, Q2 2006 - Q2 2023

Early school leaver and the labour force

Key findings for labour participation of early school leavers:

  • Early school leavers had a lower rate of employment in Q2 2023 compared with other persons aged 18-24 (44% compared to 63%).
  • Just under half (49%) of early school leavers aged 18-24 were not economically active compared to under a third (29%) of other persons aged 18-24.
  • 44% of early school leavers were employed in Q2 2023. See Table 2.5.
Table 2.5 Percentage of early school leavers and other persons aged 18-24 classified by labour market status, Q2 2012 - Q2 2023