Employment Analysis of Maternity and Paternity Benefits 2019 - 2022
Rate of Maternity Benefit : 5.5 per 100 female employees (2022)
Rate of Paternity Benefit : 3.4 per 100 male employees (2022)
Sector with the highest maternity benefit rate : Human Health and Social Work Activities 7.0 per 100 female employees
Sector with the lowest maternity benefit rate : Accommodation and Food Service Activities 2.5 per 100 female employees
Sector with the highest paternity benefit rate : Public Administration and Defence 5.3 per 100 male employees
Sector with the lowest paternity benefit rate : Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1.5 per 100 male employees
Return to employment : 82% of maternity benefit recipients return to the same employer within 6 months of maternity ending.
Non-uptake of paternity benefit (2020) : 50.2% of fathers in employment did not claim paternity benefit.