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Greenhouse gas emissions from the Irish economy rose by 10% in 2022

Online ISSN: 2009-7840
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Note on emissions from the economy and emissions from the territory

This air emissions accounts release reports data on residence principle emissions by NACE sector.

Residence principle emissions are emissions by resident units of the Irish economy. They differ from territorial principle emissions, which are emissions produced on the territory of Ireland. Territorial principle emissions are reported annually by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and are used to determine whether Ireland has met its legally binding emissions targets. 

Residence principle emissions are calculated from territorial principle emissions by removing transport emissions from non-resident units on the territory of Ireland, and by adding transport emissions by Irish resident units abroad. They are compiled using the same principles and classifications as National Accounts to ensure compatibility with economic indicators. Emissions from transport are assigned to the NACE sector of the vehicle operator.

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