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UK nationals earned the highest median earnings in 2021

Online ISSN: 2009-9886
CSO statistical release, , 11am
Impact of COVID-19 on Earnings Statistics

The COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions applied in response to it had a significant impact on the labour market in 2020 and 2021. Earnings statistics for those years and comparisons with earlier years are impacted by changes in the composition of the labour market across 2020 and 2021 and when compared to 2019 and earlier years. The level of earnings has also been impacted by the COVID-19 income support schemes in place in 2020 and 2021.

Median Weekly Earnings by Nationality and Sex

Median weekly earnings were highest among UK nationals in 2021, at €679.92, followed by Irish nationals at €663.56. Males from the UK had the highest median weekly earnings at €782.77, followed by Irish males at €739.93, a difference of 5.8%.

In 2021, male median weekly earnings of €711.87 were 24.8% higher than for females at €570.22; median earnings for males were higher than for females across all nationality groups. Males from the United Kingdom had the highest median weekly earnings of €782.77, while for females the highest earnings were in the Other category at €590.39. See Figure 6.1 and Tables 6.2 and 6.3.

X-axis labelMaleFemaleTotal
United Kingdom782.77557.69679.92
EU27 excl. Ireland633.94500574.81
Table 6.1 Mean weekly earnings by nationality and sex, 2019-2021

Table 6.2 Median weekly earnings by nationality and sex, 2019-2021

Median Weekly Earnings by Nationality and Economic Sector

UK nationals earned the highest median weekly earnings in six of the thirteen NACE sectors in 2021, of which Information & Communication was the highest at €1,321.09, where earnings ranged from €1,117.81 for Irish nationals to €1,321.09 for nationals from the United Kingdom. The lowest median weekly earnings was seen in the Accommodation & Food Services sector at €346.13, where earnings ranged from €302.59 for Irish nationals to €429.36 for nationals from the EU excluding Ireland. Irish workers had the highest median earnings in four of the thirteen NACE sectors, of which Public Administration & Defence recorded the highest of the four at €892.71.

X-axis labelIrelandUnited KingdomEU26/27 excl UK & IrelandOther
Industry (B-E)836.02808.57611.94630.8
Construction (F)691.36747.37698.21666.67
Wholesale & retail (G)464.69527.2530.78459.7
Transportation & storage (H)679.23653.67588.94611
Accommodation & food (I)302.59369.2429.36383.93
Information & communication (J)1117.811321.091163.751275.15
Financial & real estate (K-L)929.691095.97809.25861.23
Professional & technical (M)784.23897.61720.21759.01
Admin & support service (N)560.86598.4537.27521.41
Public admin & defence (O)892.71865.66694.87739.87
Education (P)803.48780.02551.39703.6
Health & social (Q)666.54639.94533.8832.29
Arts & entertainment (R-S)401.02456.2423.4389.23
All sectors663.56679.92574.81615.65
Table 6.3 Median weekly earnings by nationality and economic sector, 2021