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French Nationals: 11,661

There were 11,661 French nationals usually resident in Ireland in April 2016, 1,912 persons more than in April 2011, a 20 per cent increase.

Table 10.1 Population Usually Resident by Nationality and Census Year

It's a Fact

  • 46 per cent of French nationals living in Ireland indicated they had no religious beliefs, the highest proportion of any of the profiled nationalities.

Place of Residence

5,576 French nationals were living in Dublin city and its suburbs in 2016, almost half the French population usually resident in Ireland (48%). A further 1,119 persons lived in Cork city.

Figure 10.1 Proportion of French Population Usually Resident in Ireland by Electoral Division, 2016

Age and Sex

The average age of the French population rose by 3 years between 2006 and 2016 (30.4 years to 33.4 years), but remained younger than the overall average age of the population of the State (37.3 years).

Table 10.2 Population Usually Resident in the State by Nationality, Average Age, and Census Year

It's a Fact

  • The French population living in Ireland in April 2016 had the most even ratio of males to females of all nationalities profiled (50.3% male: 49.7% female).

The age breakdown of French and State population can be seen by clicking an option below:

Economic Status 

Unable to work , retired or other economic statusStudent or pupilLooking after home/familyUnemployed Persons at work

76 per cent of the French population (8,136 persons) aged 15 years and over was at work. Like the Spanish population usually resident in Ireland, this reflected the large proportion of French nationals aged 15 to 65 years (90%). Comparably, only 65 per cent of the State population was in this age bracket.


Industry and Occupation

Table 10.3 Population Aged 15 Years and Over, at Work, by Nationality, Broad Industrial Group, and Census Year
 French 2011French 2016State 2016
At Work6,5118,1361,970,728
Information and communication activities17%20%4%
Accommodation and food service activities11%9%6%

Table 10.3 shows the top three broad industrial groups among the French population at work in April 2016. One fifth (1,615) of French nationals were at work in the information and communication industry. This was the highest proportion of any of the ten nationalities profiled in this industry. Employment as programmers, sales executives and financial accountants as well as IT specialists, engineers, and customer service personnel were prevalent among French nationals. Comparably, only 4 per cent of the State population was at work in the same industry.

Table 10.4 Population Aged 15 Years and Over, at Work, by Nationality and Broad Occupational Group, 2016
At Work8,1361,970,728
Associate professional and technical occupations24%12%
Professional Occupations23%19%
Sales and customer service occupations12%7%

Table 10.4 shows the top three broad occupational groups among the French population at work. A quarter of the French population at work was in associate professional occupations (1,991 persons, 24%) – as business sales executives, and sales/financial managers, double the proportion for the State population (12%).  A further 1,846 persons were in professional occupations (23% of French population at work) – as programmers, IT specialists, and management consultants.


Postgraduate degreeThird level degree/professional qualification or bothUpper secondary, technical, vocationalLower secondary, primary, no formal education, not stated

There were 10,755 French nationals aged 15 years and over living in Ireland in April 2016 (92% of the French population). Of these, 34 per cent had a post graduate degree (3,637 persons), the greatest proportion of any of the ten profiled nationalities.

It's a Fact

  • 26 per cent of the French population living in Ireland in April 2016 aged 15 years and over had Irish partners
  • This was the second highest proportion of any of the ten nationalities profiled after UK nationals (41% had Irish partners)

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