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Organic farms refer to both fully converted organic farm holdings and farm holdings under conversion to organics. Statistics on how land is utilised and the number of heads of particular categories of livestock on these farm holdings are presented. It should be noted that this chapter is based on farm holdings that are above at least one of the physical farm holding thresholds as described in Annex 2 of the integrated farm statistics Regulation (EU) No. 2018/1091. See the background notes for more information. 

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  • In 2020, there were 1,686 organic farm holdings, representing 1.3% of all farm holdings.
  • The number of fully converted organic farm holdings was 1,540, just above 91% of all organic farm holdings.
  • Organic Agricultural Area Utilised (AAU) accounted for 73,799 hectares (ha) of the 4,498,987 hectares in the state, or 1.6%. 
Table 1.1 Number of organic farms and area under organic farming, 2020
 Organic Farms All Farms
Fully ConvertedUnder ConversionTotal
Number of Farms1,5401461,686 130,216
AAU (hectares)67,321.76,477.273,798.8 4,498,986.9
X-axis labelAAU (ha)Number of Farms
Permanent Grasslands56732.591459
Temporary Grasslands13823.1612
  • There were 70,556 ha of organic grassland in 2020, just below 96% of the total organic AAU. 
  • The remainder of the organic AAU was in cereals (2,616 ha) and other crops (627 ha). 
Table 1.2 Number of organic farms and area under selected organic crops, 2020

X-axis labelGrassCerealsOther
Mid-East & Dublin84.8212.262.92
  • Over 98% of organic AAU was grassland in the Border, West and South-West regions in 2020. 
  • Organic grassland accounted for over 90% of organic AAU in the Midlands (92.4%) and Mid-West (96.1%) regions.
  • The Mid-East and Dublin, and South-East regions were the only regions where cereals accounted for more than 10% of organic AAU in 2020; 12.3% in Mid-East and Dublin, and 10.5% in the South-East.   
Table 1.3 Number of organic farms and area under organic grassland and cereals by region, 2020

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X-axis labelHeads of livestockNumber of Farms
  • There were 51,685 organic cattle on 1,157 farm holdings in 2020, 5.5% of these were dairy cows, 34.1% were other cows and 60.4% were other cattle.
  • There were 74,870 organic sheep in 378 flocks in 2020. This represented 1.4% of sheep in the state.
  • There were 161,471 organic poultry recorded in 2020. Which represented 1% of poultry in the state. 81.1% of organic poultry were laying hens.
Table 1.4 Number of farms with organic livestock, 2020

X-axis labelNorthern and WesternSouthernEastern and Midland

The Southern region (NUTS2) recorded the most cattle and sheep in 2020 at 19,967 and 30,532 respectively.

The Northern and Western region had the most poultry at 121,598 heads.

Table 1.5 Number of farms with organic livestock by region, 2020

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There were 1,686 farms that had organic livestock or organic AAU on the holding. The farm type, economic size (standard output), farm size, gender and age of holder breakdowns for those farms are given below.

X-axis label< 10 ha10 - 20 ha20 - 30 ha30 - 50 ha50 - 100 ha100 + ha
Size of Farm8619728257545393
  •  Over 60% of the organic farm holdings in 2020 were sized between 30 - 50 ha (34.1%) or 50-100 ha (26.9%).
  •  A third (33.5%) of organic farm holdings in 2020 had less than 30 ha of AAU.
  •  In 2020, 5.5% of the organic farm holdings had AAU of 100 ha or more. 
Table 1.6 Number of organic farms by farm size, 2020

X-axis labelPercentage
Specialist Beef Production59.8
Specialist Sheep13.8
Mixed Grazing Livestock8.8
Mixed Crops and Livestock4.7
Specialist Tillage3.9
Specialist Dairying2.4
Mixed Field Crops2.4

The following farm type categories each had less than 5% organic farm holdings; Mixed Field Crops (2.4%), Specialist Dairying (2.4%), Specialist Tillage (3.9%), Other (4.2%) and Mixed Crops and Livestock (4.7%).

Specialist Beef Production and Specialist Sheep farm types accounted for just below three quarters of the organic farm types in 2020, 59.8% were Specialist Beef Production and 13.8% were Specialist Sheep.

Table 1.7 Number of organic farms by farm type, 2020

X-axis labelNumber of Farms
Less than €4,000102
€4,000 – €8,000155
€8,000 – €15,000369
€15,000 – €25,000423
€25,000 – €50,000396
€50,000 – €100,000157
€100,000 +84

The middle three Standard Output bands (€8,000 -- €15,000, €15,000 -- €25,000 & €25,000 -- €50,000) accounted for over 70% of organic farm holdings in 2020.

There were similar proportions of organic farm holdings in the highest (€100,000 +) and lowest (Less than €4,000) Standard Output bands, 6% of organic farm holdings in the lowest band and 5% in the highest band.

Table 1.8 Number of organic farms by economic size, 2020

X-axis labelNumber of Farms
Male Holders1393
Female Holders293

82.6% of organic farm holdings had a male holder. Similar to the proportion of male holders of all farm holdings, which was 86.6%.

The median age of holders of organic farms was 54 in 2020 while the median age of farm holders of all farms was 57.

Table 1.9 Number of organic farms by gender of farm holder, 2020