Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart
Organic farms refer to both fully converted organic farm holdings and farm holdings under conversion to organics. Statistics on how land is utilised and the number of heads of particular categories of livestock on these farm holdings are presented. It should be noted that this chapter is based on farm holdings that are above at least one of the physical farm holding thresholds as described in Annex 2 of the integrated farm statistics Regulation (EU) No. 2018/1091. See the background notes for more information.
Table 1.1 Number of organic farms and area under organic farming, 2020 | |||||
Organic Farms | All Farms | ||||
Fully Converted | Under Conversion | Total | |||
Number of Farms | 1,540 | 146 | 1,686 | 130,216 | |
AAU (hectares) | 67,321.7 | 6,477.2 | 73,798.8 | 4,498,986.9 |
X-axis label | AAU (ha) | Number of Farms |
Permanent Grasslands | 56732.59 | 1459 |
Temporary Grasslands | 13823.1 | 612 |
Cereals | 2615.82 | 209 |
X-axis label | Grass | Cereals | Other |
Border | 98.79 | 0.096 | 0.25 |
West | 98.65 | 1.02 | 0.33 |
South-West | 98.07 | 1.55 | 0.38 |
Mid-West | 96.06 | 3.57 | 0.37 |
Midland | 92.36 | 5.94 | 1.7 |
South-East | 86.74 | 10.49 | 2.77 |
Mid-East & Dublin | 84.82 | 12.26 | 2.92 |
X-axis label | Heads of livestock | Number of Farms |
Cattle | 51685 | 1157 |
Sheep | 74870 | 378 |
Poultry | 161471 | 101 |
X-axis label | Northern and Western | Southern | Eastern and Midland |
Cattle | 17415 | 19967 | 14303 |
Sheep | 28013 | 30532 | 16325 |
Poultry | 121598 | 29062 | 10811 |
The Southern region (NUTS2) recorded the most cattle and sheep in 2020 at 19,967 and 30,532 respectively.
The Northern and Western region had the most poultry at 121,598 heads.
There were 1,686 farms that had organic livestock or organic AAU on the holding. The farm type, economic size (standard output), farm size, gender and age of holder breakdowns for those farms are given below.
X-axis label | < 10 ha | 10 - 20 ha | 20 - 30 ha | 30 - 50 ha | 50 - 100 ha | 100 + ha |
Size of Farm | 86 | 197 | 282 | 575 | 453 | 93 |
X-axis label | Percentage |
Specialist Beef Production | 59.8 |
Specialist Sheep | 13.8 |
Mixed Grazing Livestock | 8.8 |
Mixed Crops and Livestock | 4.7 |
Other | 4.2 |
Specialist Tillage | 3.9 |
Specialist Dairying | 2.4 |
Mixed Field Crops | 2.4 |
The following farm type categories each had less than 5% organic farm holdings; Mixed Field Crops (2.4%), Specialist Dairying (2.4%), Specialist Tillage (3.9%), Other (4.2%) and Mixed Crops and Livestock (4.7%).
Specialist Beef Production and Specialist Sheep farm types accounted for just below three quarters of the organic farm types in 2020, 59.8% were Specialist Beef Production and 13.8% were Specialist Sheep.
X-axis label | Number of Farms |
Less than €4,000 | 102 |
€4,000 – €8,000 | 155 |
€8,000 – €15,000 | 369 |
€15,000 – €25,000 | 423 |
€25,000 – €50,000 | 396 |
€50,000 – €100,000 | 157 |
€100,000 + | 84 |
The middle three Standard Output bands (€8,000 -- €15,000, €15,000 -- €25,000 & €25,000 -- €50,000) accounted for over 70% of organic farm holdings in 2020.
There were similar proportions of organic farm holdings in the highest (€100,000 +) and lowest (Less than €4,000) Standard Output bands, 6% of organic farm holdings in the lowest band and 5% in the highest band.
X-axis label | Number of Farms |
Male Holders | 1393 |
Female Holders | 293 |
82.6% of organic farm holdings had a male holder. Similar to the proportion of male holders of all farm holdings, which was 86.6%.
The median age of holders of organic farms was 54 in 2020 while the median age of farm holders of all farms was 57.
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