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Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart

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X-axis labelAll CattleDairy CowsOther CowsOther Cattle
  • The number of farms with cattle has fallen consistently between each Census of Agriculture since 1991. This trend was also observed for each category of animal (dairy cows, other cows and other cattle) as shown in Table 4.1.
  • The actual number of animals has fluctuated for total cattle and all the cattle categories between 1991 and 2020. 
  • Between 2010 and 2020, there was a 46.4% increase in the dairy cow herd, a 15.1% decrease in the other cow herd and an 8.8% increase in all other cattle. This combined to establish a 10.7% increase in total cattle.
  • There were 1,567,681 dairy cows in 2020, the highest dairy herd total recorded in a Census of Agriculture. There are fewer farms now with dairy cows (17,495) in 2020 compared with 31,809 in 2000. The average size of herd is now 90 dairy cows, which is 53 greater than in 2000. 
Dairy cows in 2020
Table 4.1 Number of farms with cattle, number of cattle and average per farm (1991 - 2020)

  • The distribution by county of number of farms with dairy cows and number of dairy cows broadly coincide (Maps 4.1 and 4.2).
  • County Cork contained 4,094 farms with dairy cows and 389,123 dairy cows. This was 123% more farms with dairy cows and 116% more dairy cows than Tipperary, the county with the second most of each.
  • Counties in the Southern NUTS 2 region excluding Clare and Carlow accounted for two thirds of farms with dairy cows and two thirds of the number of dairy cows (11,479 farms and 1,071,897 cows) in 2020.
  • Farms in the Eastern and Midland NUTS 2 region on average had larger dairy cow herd size than in the Southern NUTS 2 region (Map 4.3). The average dairy cow herd size in the Eastern and Midland NUTS 2 region was 101 dairy cows. 
  • Waterford, Meath and Louth had the largest average dairy cow herd size, 113 dairy cows, 112 dairy cows and 110 dairy cows respectively. 
Table 4.2 Cattle by region and county, 2020

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X-axis labelFarms with sheepTotal sheepTotal EwesTotal other sheep
  • There was a downward trend in the number of farms with sheep between 1991 and 2010, but in 2020 the number increased from 32,111 in 2010 to 35,505, a 10.6% increase.
  • Similarly, the national flock decreased in the years from 1991 to 2010, before showing an increase in the 2020 results. In 1991, there were 8,888,200 sheep. This fell to 7,555,000 sheep in 2000 and 4,745,400 in 2010. There was an increase of 774,800, to 5,520,200 between 2010 and 2020. 
  • Ewes and other sheep also followed this downward trend from 1991 to 2010 with increases between 2010 and 2020. 
16% increase in national flock since 2010
11% increase in the number of farms with sheep since 2010
Table 4.3 Number of farms with sheep and number of sheep (1991 - 2020)

  • The distribution by county of number of farms with sheep and number of sheep broadly coincide (Maps 4.4 and 4.5).
  • County Donegal contained the largest number of sheep with just over 6,000 farms and 750,000 Sheep in 2020. Mayo had just below 5,000 farms and Galway had just above 4,000 farms in 2020, with 630,000 and 600,000 sheep respectively.
  • Kerry and Wicklow were the only other counties with over 300,000 sheep in 2020, Kerry had over 470,000 on just below 2,500 farms and Wicklow had just over 320,000 on 1,300 farms. 
  • Larger average sheep flocks were observed in the Eastern and Midland NUTS 2 region, and some Southern NUTS 2 region counties (Kerry and the South-East) than in the Northern and Western NUTS 2 region (Map 4.6). 
  • Wicklow (243), Waterford (241), Kildare (237) and Meath (226) had average sheep flocks of over 220 sheep.
Table 4.4 Sheep by region and county, 2020

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X-axis labelLaying StockTable BirdsBreeding BirdsOther Poultry
  • There was an increase in the number of poultry between 1991 and 2020 despite a decrease between 2000 and 2010.
  • The total number of table birds in 2020 was 11,144,799, this was a 42% increase on the total in 2010.
  • Also, the number of laying stock in 2020 has increased at a similar rate of 43%, to 3,049,732 laying stock in 2020.
Heads of poultry in 2020
Table 4.5 Number of farms with poultry and number of poultry (1991 - 2020)

X-axis labelLaying StockTable Birds
Mid-East & Dublin338385254357
X-axis labelLaying StockTable Birds
Donegal / Sligo / Leitrim314462191
  • Table birds and laying stock accounted for 86% of the 16.5 million heads of poultry in 2020.
  • The Border region accounted for 72.5% of the 11.1 million table birds in 2020.
  • There were just over three million laying stock in 2020 and 73.2% of these were in the Border region. 
  • Monaghan and Cavan accounted for close to 100% of laying stock and table birds in the Border region and over 70% of the laying stock and table bird flock in the state. 
  • Monaghan accounted for 62.8% (or 6,995,772) of table birds and 63.5% (or 1,938,026) of laying stock in the state in 2020. 
  • Cavan accounted for 9.7% (or 1,082,945) of table birds and 8.7% (or 264,275) of laying stock in the state in 2020.
Table 4.6 Poultry by region and county, 2020

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X-axis labelNumber of FarmsAll PigsFemale BreedingPigs < 20kgOther Pigs
  • The number of farms with pigs has reduced from close to 3,000 farms in 1991 to between 1,200 and 1,400 in the years since 1991.
  • Total number of pigs was at its largest in 2000 with 1.7 million heads, numbers reduced to 1.5 million in 2010 and there was a 4.4% increase to just below 1.6 million pigs in 2020.
  • The overall 4.4% total pig increase was due to a 16.2% increase in the < 20Kg pigs (up 63,900) between 2010 and 2020.
Pigs in 2020
Table 4.7 Number of farms with pigs and number of pigs (1991 - 2020)

X-axis labelNumber of Pigs
All Other145940
  • Cork had the largest number of farms (193) with pigs in 2020 (Table 4.8).
  • Cork (285,580) and Cavan (298,115) had the most pigs in the state (Figure 4.7). When combined, these counties accounted for 36.9% of the total pigs in 2020.
  • Tipperary in the Mid-West, Offaly in the Midland and Waterford in the South-East each had over 100,000 pigs in 2020. 
  • Cavan, Offaly, Longford and Waterford had the largest average number of pigs (Table 4.8), all approximately 3,000 or above.
Table 4.8 Pigs by region and county, 2020

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