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ICU and Hospital Admissions

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This chapter includes monthly profiles of those who contracted COVID-19 between July and November 2021 and were admitted to hospital and ICU. Figure 2.1 presents the number of such cases admitted to hospital between July and November by month.  (Please Note: November data is provisional, cases with self-reported vaccination status = Unknown are likley to be revised as sufficient data becomes available to determine vaccination status). 

Self-reported vaccination = YesSelf-reported vaccination = NoSelf-reported vaccination = Unknown
September 604368112

Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 include analysis of all confirmed cases of COVID-19 who were admitted to hospital and ICU between July and November by month and self-reported vaccination status.

Table 2.1: Monthly Profile of New COVID-19 Cases who are Subsequently Hospitalised (self-reported vaccination status = Yes)

Table 2.2: Monthly Profile of New COVID-19 Cases who are Subsequently Hospitalised (self-reported vaccination status = No)

Table 2.3: Monthly Profile of New COVID-19 Cases who are Subsequently Hospitalised (self-reported vaccination status = Unknown)

The average Hospitalisation Rate has been less than 30 people per 1,000 confirmed cases since April and this decrease is seen in all age groups. See Figure 2.2. The average ICU Admission Rate has been less than five people per 1,000 confirmed cases since April (Note: These figures may need to be adjusted if someone’s condition worsens as there is a time lag between onset of symptoms and hospitalisation. Also, please note that November rates are provisional). See Table 2.4.

0-24 years25-44 years65-79 years80 years and over
Table 2.4: COVID-19 Mortality, Hospitalisation and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission rates (per 1,000 confirmed cases) by Month

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