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COVID-19 Insight Bulletins: ICU and Hospital Admissions Series 1

More than half (54%) of those admitted to ICUs between July and November 2021 reported they were not vaccinated

CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Key Findings

  • Just under 60% of the 0-24 age group who contracted COVID-19 between July and November and were admitted to hospital were not vaccinated, while the equivalent figure for the 25-44 age category stood at almost 50%

  • The median age of those who contracted COVID-19 and were admitted to hospital between July and November that reported being un-vaccinated was 38 years, compared with a median age of 66 years for those who said they were vaccinated

  • More than half (54%) of those admitted to ICUs between July and November reported they were unvaccinated and of those who said they were vaccinated, more than nine in 10 (92%) had an underlying health condition

  • Of those admitted to ICU who contracted COVID-19 between July and November and were not born in Ireland, 84% reported being unvaccinated

  • Since July hospitalisations amongst those who reported as vaccinated have been rising at a higher rate than those who reported as un-vaccinated

  • The average hospitalisation rate has been less than 30 people per 1,000 confirmed cases since April and this decrease is seen in all age groups while the average ICU admission rate has been less than five people per 1,000 confirmed cases since April

  • In 90% of Local Electoral Areas vaccination uptake rate among the over 12s is greater than 83.7% of the population

  • Among employees the largest increase in vaccine uptake rate since 09 September (3%) is in employees of the EU 15-27 grouping

Statistician's Comment

Commenting on the Bulletin, Steven Conroy, Statistician, said: “This COVID-19 Insight Bulletin tracks the trends behind the daily ICU, hospitalisation and vaccination figures. One of the trends the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has identified in this bulletin is that just under 60% of the 0-24 age group who contracted COVID-19 between July and November and were admitted to hospital were not vaccinated with the equivalent figure for the 25-44 age category standing at almost 50%.

The CSO also found that more than half (54%) of those admitted to ICUs from July to November said they were not vaccinated and of those that said they were vaccinated, almost all (92%) had an underlying health condition. Further analysis on ICU admissions shows that 84% of those who contracted COVID-19 between July and November who were not born in Ireland and were admitted to an ICU reported to health officials as being unvaccinated.

Hospitalisation and ICU admission rates per confirmed case have been falling since April and this can be seen in all age groups.

In an update to previous analysis of vaccination uptake rate, more than 90% of Local Electoral Areas had a vaccination uptake rate among over 12s greater than 83.7% of the population by 11 November.”

Vaccination status of case is self-reported and based on information provided to the public health team in patient interview. It has not been confirmed in all cases that patients who report as having had the vaccine have completed a full COVID-19 vaccine schedule, so these cannot be assumed to be breakthrough cases.

Figure 1 presents the number of people who contracted COVID-19 between July and November and were admitted to hospital by vaccination status and age group. Over 60% of those admitted to hospital who self-reported as vaccinated are over 65 whilst among those who self-reported as unvaccinated over 60% are under 44.

0-24 years25-44 years45-64 years65-79 years80 years and over
Self-reported vaccination = Yes412243525
Self-reported vaccination = No273524113

Table A provides a profile of all contracted COVID-19 between July and November 2021 and were subsequently admitted to hospital or ICU by percentage breakdown.

Table A: Profile of New COVID-19 Hospital Admissions by self-reported vaccination status from July-November 2021

Map 1 presents the vaccine uptake rates on 17 November 2021 by LEA. This is an update to previous analysis in COVID-19 Deaths and Cases, Series 32. The LEA’s are grouped in deciles ranked from lowest to highest decile according to vaccine uptake rate. LEA’s with the lighter colours correspond with deciles with the lower uptake rates while the darker areas correspond with deciles LEAs with higher uptake rates. Users can hover their mouse over the map to see the name of the LEA and the associated decile. Users can also zoom in on the map to see some of the LEAs that are smaller in geographical area.

Map 1 : COVID-19 Vaccination Rate Decile by Local Electoral Area

Decile ranges are ranked lowest uptake rate to highest as follows:

1 - <83.4%

2 - 83.4% to 86.4%

3 - 86.5% to 88.7%

4 - 88.8% to 90.1%

5 - 90.2% to 90.7%

6 - 90.8% to 92.0%

7 - 92.1% to 92.7%

8 - 92.8% to 93.7%

9 - 93.8% to 94.8%

10 ->94.8%

Go to next chapter: ICU and Hospital Admissions

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